2021-4-05 05:21:18 浏览377次





1. 1-12(独立的基数词)

1 one   2 two  3 three  4 four  5 five  6 six  7 seven  8 eight  9 nine  10 ten

11 eleven  12 twelve

2. 13-19(有对应的个位数加后缀teen构成,但要注意13,15,18


13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen

3. 20-99


20 twenty  30 thirty  40 forty  50 fifty  60 sixty  70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety


22 twenty-two  33 thirty-three  44 forty-four  55 fifty-five  67 sixty-seven

71 seventy-one  88 eighty-eight  96 ninety-six

4. 100--999


100 a/one hundred 200 two hundred 300 three hundred 400 four hundred 500 five hundred 600 six hundred 700 seven hundred 800 eight hundred 900 nine hundred



101 one hundred and one 232 two hundred and thirty-two 320 three hundred and twenty 444 four hundred and forty-four 507 five hundred and seven 621 six hundred and twenty-one 796 seven hundred and ninety-six 811 eight hundred and eleven

5. 千以上的基数词:英语中没有专门表示“万”“亿”的说法,但是却有专门表示“百万”“十亿”的说法,分别是million,billion.

一千 a/one thousand 五千five thousand 一万 ten thousand 六万 sixty thousand

一百万 a/one million 四百万 four million 十亿 a/one billon 二十亿 two billon

特别注意:hundred, thousand, million 表示具体几百,几千,几百万时不能加s. 但是在下面词组中常加s, 后面还要跟介词of. 表示约数。hundreds of(数以百计的); thousands of(数以千计的), millions of(数以百万计的), thousands and thousands of 成千上万的


1. 序数词的构成






first ( 1st ) second ( 2nd )  third (3rd )




fourth ( 4th ); fifth; sixth; seventh; eighth; ninth; tenth; eleventh; twelfth; thirteenth; fourteenth; fifteenth; sixteenth; seventeenth; eighteenth; nineteenth


特别关注:58 912的序数词!



twentieth; thirtieth; fortieth; fiftieth; sixtieth; seventieth; eightieth; ninetieth




twenty-first  thirty-first;

forty-third   sixty-second;

eighty-seventh; ninety-eighth

2. 序数词的用法

1,序数词做定语时一般要加定冠词:the first time, the second day; 但当表示“再一”“又一”时,通常加不定冠词 :Will you try a second time? 要不要再试一次?

2,事物的“编号”可用序数词,也可用基数词,当数字较长时多用基数词:the first part—part one; the tenth lesson—lesson ten; the eighth page—page eight; Room 4038; 175 Daxue Road; Number 5; bus No, 3;

3,日期中的“几号”可用基数词,也可用序数词,要注意读法:Oct. 1 或 Oct. 1st 读作:Oct. (the) first. 或the first of Oct.

4,“the first +可数名词复数”表示“前几个…” “头几个…” : the first two pages 前两页。




  1/3—one-third;   2/3—two-thirds

2. “百分比” 的表达法由“基数词+percent” : 50%--fifty percent

3. 带“小数点”的数只能用基数词,“点”用point表示:3.1415926读作:three  

   point one four one five nine two six


1. 2008年8月8日:Oct. 8, 2008或Oct. 8th, 2008

  2000年:the year two thousand

  20世纪80年代:1980’s 或nineteen eighties

 2. 表示时间:

(1) 整点:用基数词表示,o’clock可以省略  9:00  nine (o’clock)

(2) 几点过几分:30分钟以内,包括30分钟,可以用介词past,


9:10  nine ten/ ten past nine

9:15  nine fifteen / a quarter past nine

9:30  nine thirty / half past nine

 (3) 几点差几分:30分钟以上,不包括30分钟,可以用介词to,

     即(60-分钟)+ to+ (小时+1)   

8:40  eight forty /twenty to nine  

9:45  nine forty-five / a quarter to ten

10:50  ten fifty/ ten to eleven

3. 数学运算,这时谓语动词用单数

1+2=? 读做:How much is one plus two?  It’s three.

1+2=3  读做:one plus/and two is/makes three.

9-5=4   读做:nine minus five is/makes four.

8x9=72  读做:Eight times nine is/makes seventy-two

10÷2=5  读做:Ten divided by two is/makes five.

4. 几个与数目有关的词语的英语表达方式如下:

几个—several; a few

一打—a dozen ( two dozen:两个)

二十—score (two score:四十)

好几十、许多—scores of, dozens of

几百—several hundred, a few hundred


5.介词in + one’s +整数数词的复数 表示年龄:in his twenties. 在他20多岁的时候。


 ¥4.50: four yuan fifty fen

 £ 9.35: nine pounds thirty-five pence

 $19.20: nineteen dollars twenty cents



 five ( 序数词 ) ___________         twelve ( 序数词) ___________  

 eight ( 序数词)____________         nine ( 序数词 )____________ 

 thirty ( 序数词 )____________      eighty-three( 序数词 )____________

 first (缩略形式)___________              twenty-second (缩略形式)__________

 sixth (缩略形式)___________


 1, Children’s Day is on the ___________ of June.

 2, The Women’s Day is on the _________ of March.

 3, New Year’s Day is on the __________ of January.

 4, National Day is on the first day of __________.

 5, The Olympic Games will be opened on the eighth day of _________ in Beijing.


1, His uncle has lived at _______ for ten years.

A. No. 103 Xinhua Street     B. 103 Xinhua Street  

C. Xinhua Street 103         D. Xinhua Street No. 103

2, There are ______ students in the park.

A. hundreds of    B. hundred of     C. hundreds    D. hundred

3, ---How far is the small village from London?

  --- It’s about _______ kilometers.

A. seven hundred and twenty two   B. seven hundred and twenty-two  

C. seven hundreds and twenty-two   D. seven hundred twenty two

4, Look! There are _______ in sky.

A. thousand stars  B. thousand of stars  C. thousands of stars  D. thousands of star

5, 365 reads _______.

A. three hundred sixty five      B. three hundreds sixty five  

C. three hundred and sixty five   D. three hundred and sixty-five.

6, Lucy and Lily are in ______.

A. Row Fourth      B. the Row Four    C. Row Four     D. Four Row

7, September is ______ month of the year.

A. nine        B. nineth      C. the ninth      D. the nineth

8, _________ is the most difficult in this book.

A. Lesson ninth    B. The ninth lesson    C. Ninth Lesson    D. The nine lesson

9, The Yellow River is ________ longest river in China.

A. the first     B. the second     C. first     D. the third

10, __________ of the students are Young Pioneers in our class.

A. Two three     B. Two threes    C. Two thirds   D. Second three

11, ---How many times have you been to Japan?

  --- _________.

A. For the third time    B. Three times    C. a third time    D. For three times

12, ---How soon will you finish reading the book? ---In _______.

A. one or two weeks   B. one week or two  C. a week and two  D. a or two weeks

13, Mary was born ________.

A. in 1985, June 1   B. on June 1, 1985  C. at June 1, in 1985  D. in June 1, 1985

14, How old is your father?  He is _______.

A. fourty-one     B. fouty one     C. forty-one    D. forty one