2021-4-05 05:18:32 浏览321次



冠词是一种虚词,不能独立使用。只能置于名词或名词词组前,用来说明该名词的含义。冠词分为:不定冠词 a/an; 定冠词the;  零冠词(不用冠词的情况)。









a bag/cat/dog/fly

a university/unit



an animal /apple /egg /English teacher /ice cream / Island / Italian car /orange/office/

an hour

an unhappy day

an honest boy

an A/E/F/H/I/L/M/N/O/S/XMr. Li has one fox.)

带不定冠词的短语:catch a cold,(感冒) have a fever(发烧), take a bath(洗 澡), have a look(看一看), have a good time(玩的开心), have a rest (休息一下)




3,世上独一无二的事物:the sun/ sky/ earth/ moon/ east/ west

4,与形容词连用表示一类人:the rich/ young/ old /poor/ living/ dead

5,用在序数词和形容词最高级前:the first/ second/ best/ biggest

6,用在乐器前:play the piano/the violin/ the guitar

7,用在姓氏的复数名词前表示一家人:the Greens/ the Lis.

8,用在由普通名词组成的专有名词前:the United States, the People’s Republic of China, the Great Wall, the Yellow River

9,介词短语中常用定冠词:in the box, behind the chair, in the morning (afternoon/evening), the day after tomorrow, the next morning, in the rain, in the sky, in the country, in the middle of, in the end, by the way等等。

10,在same 前。the same class, look the same.


1,洲名、国名、人名的名词前不使用冠词:Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, America, China, Japan, Tom, Mary

2,节日、假日、星期、月份、季节等名词前不使用冠词:National Day, summer holiday, January, Autumn

3,三餐,球类,棋牌,体育活动前不使用冠词:have lunch,play football, in Spring, play chess, paly cards

4,习惯用语:by bus/bike/train…, on foot, after class, after school, day and night(日日夜夜), for example(例如), in trouble(陷入困境), in danger( 处于危险中), in fact(事实上), at noon, at night, at home, on duty(值日),

5,当名词前已有this, that, my, his, her, any, every, some, those 等限定词修饰时不必再使用冠词。

特别注意:有冠词和无冠词意义不同。有the 通常表示具体的场所,无the 表示在该场所从事的事情。

go to school 去上学

go to the school 去学校

in hospital 住院

in the hospital在医院

at table 吃饭

at the table在桌子旁


一.在需要填入冠词的地方填入适当的冠词,不需要的画 “/”。

1, Is Canada _____ English-speaking country?

2, _____ Great Wall is _____ longest wall in _____ world.

3, January is _______ first month of the year.

4, Is your uncle ______ athlete or ______ manager?

5, Do you know ______ moon move round ______ earth?

6, We should be kind to ______ old.

7, I often stay at ______ home to do some reading on ______ Sundays

8, Tina, Could you please play ______ piano for me while I’m singing?

9, ______ China is ______ old country with ______ long history.

10, We have three meals _______ day, We have _______ breakfast at seven.


1.      Do you like playing _______ tennis or _______ piano?

A. the; the    B. the; x    C. x; x      D. x; the

2. ---Where is Tom?

  --- I think he’s still in _______ bed, but he might just be in _______ bathroom

A. x; x       B. the; the      C. the; x    D. x; the

3. He wondered when the doctor could finish _______ operation.

A. a        B. an       C. the        D. any

4. The pictures have been on show for _______ hour and _______half.

A. an; an     B. a; a      C. an; a      D. a; an

5. Mary likes music, but she doesn’t like _______ music of that film.

A. the      B. a     C. some      D. x

6. It _______ me _______ hour to do homework.

A. took; an   B. take; a     C. take; an     D. took; the

7. Sunday is _______ day of the week.

A. one      B. the first     C. first       D. the one

8. Which is _______, the sun, the earth or the moon?

A. bigger     B. biggest     C. the biggest    D. big

9. There is a desk in his bedroom. On _______ desk there is _______ pencil-box.

A. a; the    B. the; the     C. the; a      D. a;a

10. What _______ good idea it is!

A. a        B. an         C. the        D. /

11. Yesterday I went to _______ school on _______ foot.

A. the. The    B. /; /      C. a; /        D. the;/

12. There is _______ “U” in the word “useful”.

A. a         B. /        C. an        D. the

13. Though he is rich, he has _______ friend.

A. a little     B. a few     C. a lot of    D. few

14. There is a tall tree _______ our classroom.

A. in the front of   B. in front    C. in front of    D. a front the

15. September 10th is ________ in China.

A. Teachers’ Day    B. Teachers’s Day  C. Teacher’s Day    D. the Teachers’ Day

16. People often go skating in _______ winter.

A. /       B. a        C. an       D. the

17. Would you like _______ bread for breakfast?

A. any     B. the      C. some      D. a

18. Li Tao’s father is _______ old worker.

A. an       B. a      C. the       D. /

19. Are you _______ university student or a middle school student?

A. an     B.a      C. the        D. /

20. I’m very sorry to keep you waiting for me for _______ hour.

A. the      B. an       C. a          D. /

21. _______ man in the black car is _______ driver.

A. The; the     B. The; a     C. A; the      D. A; a

22. We had _______ in the park last Sunday.

A. good a time   B. time good a    C. a time good   D. a good time

23. My son studies at _______ universiy in _______ England.

A. a; /      B. an; /      C. an; the      D. a; the

24. Peter showed me _______ unusual watch.

A. /         B. an       C. the         D. a

25. She plays _______ piano well while she plays _______ football badly.

A. the; the    B. a; /      C. a; a         D. the;/

26. We had better send him to ______ hospital at noce.

A. /        B. a       C. the       D. an

27. Gates enjoys playing ______ golf, but Beethoven liked playing _____ piano.

A. /;the      B. a;the    C. the; /    D. /;/

28, It’s very cold outside. Don’t play _____ snow over there.

A. the       B. /      C. with     D. a

29, They have _______ information about the accident that happened yesterday.

A. a         B. an      C. a few    D. a little

30. ---What’s the matter with you?

  --- I caught ____ bad cold and had to stay in ____ bed.

A. a;/        B. a;the     C. a;a     D. the; the 


1. John studied at an university. ________

2. Wang Lin is a honest boy. ________

3. You will find a word on a second page. ________

4. The girl in a white is a nurse. ________

5. This is tree. _________

四.阅读下面短文,填入恰当的冠词,使短文意义完整,不需要冠词处画 “/”。

_______ other day, when my father and I were visiting _______ art exhibition, we met Mr. Brown, _______ old friend of my father’s. They hadn’t seen each other for about ten years, ever since they were in _______same company. They were glad to see _______ each other. Mr. Brown told us he had come here to attend ______ meeting. He said he was staying in _______ hotel near _______ railway station and asked my father to go to see him in _______ hotel. My father said he would as soon as he had _______.


