2021-4-17 11:7:8 浏览276次


1.—Jane couldn’t get ______ ticket to Lost in Hong Kong.

—What a pity! Lost in Hong Kong is one of ______ most popular films.

A. an; the                            B. a; the                               C. the; a                               D. an; a

2.Don’t make too much _______ here. They’re having a meeting.

A. noise                               B. sound                              C. voice                               D. shout

3.— Is the famous singer your _______ sister, Jack?

—Yes. She’s five years _______ than I.

A. older; older                   B. older; elder                    C. elder; older                   D. elder; elder

4.My mom must cook fish in the kitchen, because it ______ very nice.

A. tastes                               B. sounds                             C. smells                             D. feels

5.Grace was ill. She had to take the medicine ______ she didn’t like it.

A. until                                B. though                            C. when                               D. because

6.—Dave, why are you in a hurry?

—Because ______ is waiting for me at the school gate.

A. anybody                         B. somebody                      C. nobody                           D. everybody

7.—Your new computer looks really cool!

—Thank you. However, I _______ $1000 for it.

A. took                                 B. spent                                C. cost                                  D. paid

8.The mountains in my hometown look very beautiful, ______ in spring.

A. especially                       B. happily                           C. slowly                             D. luckily

9.—Bill felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday.

—I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s go and ______.

A. cheer him on                B. cheer on him                 C. cheer him up                D. cheer up him

10.It takes me less than 4 hours ______ a high-speed rail from Xi’an to Chengdu.

A. takes                                B. to take                             C. take                                 D. taking

11.—How clever Jack is!

—Yes. Though he’s only five, he can _______ the difficult math problems.

A. work out                        B. carry out                        C. go out                             D. look out

12.—I’m afraid of giving a speech in public.

—______ I believe you can do it well.

A. No problem.                 B. That’s right.                  C. Take it easy.                  D. Good luck!

13.Carl had a big dinner _______ he arrived at home.

A. as soon as                      B. so that                             C. as well as                       D. in case of

14.My mother is always _______ me. But I know she loves me very much.

A. proud of                         B. strict with                      C. worried about               D. kind to

15.—How to _______ these boring things, Mr. Su?

—Don’t worry. I will help you.

A. go along                         B. put away                        C. look out                         D. deal with

    People would like to be popular with others, but not every one can make it. What’s the secret(秘密)? In fact, it’s not difficult. The key is to________our appearance(外貌). We must make sure that we dress well and look well. We also must often smile,________ facial expression is an important part of our appearance. Smiles can make us welcome to others. No one is ________than a man always smiling at others. He will gain(收获)more friendship.

Smiles help people get closer,________ many still fail to smile. They seem only to deal with their own business. They don’t care about other’s_______. Maybe they never know smiles will really affect not the mood of others but________. If you smile, you feel better and appear________.

So, smile at your mom, your friends, your boss... It doesn’t matter________ it is. You''ll grow up in greater love for each others. Can you imagine a world________smiles? Certainly, it will be cold and dark. Life is a long road. Why not________it with smiles, if you want to feel warm on the road?

16.A. change                      B. put                                   C. make                               D. save

17.A. because                     B. though                            C. if                                      D. so

18.A. poorer                       B. busier                              C. richer                              D. safer

19.A. and                            B. until                                 C. or                                     D. but

20.A. families                    B. exams                              C. feelings                          D. jokes

21.A. themselves               B. herself                             C. himself                           D. ourselves

22.A. worse                        B. more                                C. less                                  D. better

23.A. what                          B. who                                 C. when                               D. where

24.A. with                           B. under                               C. without                           D. on

25.A. fill                             B. test                                   C. break                               D. get

Beijing is a good place for kids! Come here and you’ll enjoy yourselves.

Museum for Children

   It’s known as its collection of toys, dollars and so on. Here you can enjoy a lively program of activities on weekends and during holidays.

   Address: No.5, Xinhua Road

   Phone: 010 8285 4000

   Price: Free

Theater Museum

   It tells the history of the performing art in China. The collection is about theater, dance, opera, rock and pop.

   Address: No. 9, Theater Road

   Phone: 010 8003 4829

   Price: ¥15.00

Transport Museum

   Most of the kids like traveling. Here you can discover many kinds of vehicle such as buses, trucks, trains, bikes, planes and so on.

   Address: No. 126, Nansihuan Xilu

   Phone: 010 8003 4829

   Price: ¥20.00


26.If you want to visit Museum for Children, you can call         .

A. 010 8020 3758                                                           B. 010 8285 4000

C. 010 8003 4829                                                           D. 010 8258 4000

27.If you want to know about Beijing Opera, you should go to         .

A. Museum for Children                                               B. Theater Museum

C. Transport Museum                                                    D. No.5, Xinhua Road

28.If you want to see a collection of transport, how much should you pay?

A. ¥15.00                            B. ¥20.00                            C. ¥25.00                            D. Free

29.The museums are mainly for         .

A. children                          B. the old                            C. parents                            D. teachers

30.If you have only ¥10.00, which museum can you visit?

A. Transport Museum.                                                   B. Theater Museum.

C. Museum for Children.                                             D. A, B and C.

    It may be really hard to tell others that you’re feeling sad or worried. If you keep these feelings in your heart, you may even fall ill at last.

If you talk with your parents or friends, you may feel better. But if a kid doesn’t want to talk with his or her dad or mom, what should he or she do? It’s better to find another trusty (可信的) adult (成年人), like a teacher at school.

If you think it’s difficult for you to say what you think, write it down on a piece of paper. If the person can’t understand what you mean right away, try to say it in a different way or give an example.

Some kids may feel shy about sharing their feelings. But it’s important to share feelings when they need help.

31.We may fall________ if we keep bad feelings in heart.

A. ill                                                                                   B. down

C. disappointed                                                                D. frightened

32.We can talk about our bad feelings with some people EXCEPT _______.

A. our trusty teacher                                                      B. our parents

C. a stranger (陌生人)                                                  D. our trusty uncle

33.What should we do if we feel difficult to talk about our feelings?

A. Let others guess.

B. Keep them as secrets (秘密).

C. Ask a friend to speak for you.

D. Write them down on a piece of paper.

34.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Sad feelings may make people fall ill.

B. We can talk about our feelings with our teachers.

C. It’s better to share our feelings when we need help.

D. We can go away when others can’t understand us.

35.This passage advises people to ______.

A. share feelings                                                              B. keep happy

C. talk with others                                                          D. change their feelings


36.he gets up very early as_________(像往常一样)

37.He is _____ (几乎 ) as old as I am.

38.Susan is a _____ ( 加拿大) girl.

39.For your own _____ ( 安全), please don’t smoke inside the plane.

40.The living  _____ (条件 ) in the city are better than those in the country.

41.Factories and cars cause air ______________(污染).

42.I am looking forward to ___________(收到) your letter.

43.We are _______ (骄傲)of our country.

44.In ________(欧洲) ,many people use bicycles for fun.

45.He____________(拒绝) to accept my gifts.





 46.Tony wants to find a job as a tourist guide.

47. Sally is so rich that she wants to book the best hotel for his coming holidays.

48.Jim has to find a job and he thinks about going to the Internet for some information.

49.Ann wants to have someone take care of her baby 3 hours a day so that she can work as a soho.

50.Jackson is interested in  computers. He wants to buy a new one.

A. West  Holiday. Pat-time provided. Guide for the summer holiday. Good pay.

Tel: 020-8822745.

B. Baby-sitting Service Center.

Tel: 8866443.

C. International Bank( The bank offers a rang of services including signature loan and other loan types with low rates.)

D. http://www.51job.net.

E. New Life School ( The teachers there are very friendly and they can bring new hope to many blind and deaf people.)

F. Five star hotel China Hotel. Add: No.1 Liu Hua Rd,

Tel: 020-8666888.

G. Guangzhou Kang An Bowling Center is open from16:00 to 22:00 every weekday.

H. Tian Yuan Computer Selling Center

( Different kinds of computers on sale. Low price with high quality. Tel: 87765543.


Do you like visiting parks? The following three might be the ones that you are interested in.

Hyde Park, the biggest royal park of the UK, lies in the center of London, next to Green Park. It was built to be Royal Park in 1536. About one hundred years later, the park was open to the public. Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park is famous all over the world. Anyone can make a speech there on Sunday afternoon.

Central Park, is a man-made park in the center of Manhattan, New York. It took about 15 years to build the park and in 1873 it was open to the public. With 21 playgrounds and 2 zoos, Central Park is a wonderful place for children to have fun.

Banff National Park, the largest park in Alberta, Canada, was open in 1885. The park is as large as 6 641km. Whether by car, boat, bus, bike or on foot, you can enjoy the beautiful mountains and lakes, as well as the plants and wild animals. There’re 3 famous ski areas in the park, which attract millions of people to come every winter.

Information Card

Hyde Park is in


The number of playground in Central Park


The open time of Banff National Park


The park which is a wonderful place for children to have fun


The park which is famous for the Speakers’ Corner






One day, Mr. White finished his work very late.56. his way home, there were no people and no buses. So he had to go home on 57.58. he got home, he opened his bag. He wanted to get the keys. 59.were always there. But he couldn't find the keys this time. He was worried and he didn't know what to do. When he 60.up he suddenly saw his windows was 61.. There was a ladder(梯子) behind his house. He carried it to the window. Then he began to 62.up the ladder. 63.dark it was! It was dangerous for him to do that and his hat fell down. 64. he was very careful and very afraid.A moment later he jumped into the room and he was very happy. But when he put his hand into his pokey he found his 65.right there.











阳光农庄(Sunshine Farm






要求:1. 包含所给要点,可适当发挥;

2. 70个词左右。





句意:——Jane不能买不到一张Lost in Hong Kong.的票。——真遗憾,Lost in Hong Kong是最受欢迎的电影之一。第一空表示泛指,用不定冠词,ticket首字母是以辅音音素开头的用不定冠词a。第二个空是最高级,需要用定冠词the,根据题意,故选B。



句意:不要在这儿制造太多的噪音。他们正在开会。A. noise噪音;B. sound声音,自然界一切声音;C. voice嗓音;D. shout大喊。根据下文They’re having a meeting.可知上文是不要制造太多的噪音。根据题意,故选A。






句意:我的母亲一定在厨房里做鱼,因为它闻起来非常的好。A. tastes尝起来;B. sounds听起来;C. smells闻起来;D. feels感觉起来。根据上文My mom must cook fish in the kitchen可知,因为闻到了鱼的味道,推测出妈妈正在厨房做鱼。所以应该用smell,其他选项不符合语意。故选C。



句意:Grace生病了。尽管她不喜欢,她也不得不吃下那些药。A. until直到;B. though尽管;C. when当……的时候;D. because因为。根据下文she didn’t like it.可知这里用though引导让步状语从句。故选B。



句意:——Dave,你为什么这么匆忙?——因为有人在学校门口正在等我。A. anybody任何人;B. somebody某人;C. nobody没有人;D. everybody每个人。根据下文is waiting for me at the school gate可知这里是说某人在门口正在等我。根据题意,故选B。



句意:——你的新电脑看起来真的很酷。——谢谢。然而,我花费了1000美元买它。A. took花费,It takes sb. some time to do sth.表示花费某人多长时间去做某事;B. spent花费,spend+钱+on sth.;spend+时间+in doing sthC. cost花费;物做主语;D. paid支付,短语pay for..表示支付……。根据题意,故选D。



句意:在我们家乡的山看起来漂亮,尤其是在春天。A. especially尤其;B. happily高兴地C. slowly慢慢地;D. luckily幸运地。根据上文The mountains in my hometown look very beautiful可知这里应该是强调尤其是在春天非常漂亮。根据题意,选A。



句意:——Bill感到悲伤,因为在昨天的考试中他失败了。——听到这个我很难过。我们一起去让他高兴起来吧。短语cheer on表示为……加油;cheer up表示让某人高兴起来。这里是动词和副词构成的短语,代词放在中间,用宾格。答案选C。



句意:从西安到成都坐高铁花费我不到4小时。A. takes花费,第三人称单数;B. to take花费,动词不定式;C. take花费,原形;D. taking花费,现在分词。短语It takes sb. some time to do sth.表示花费某人多长时间做某事。根据题意,故选B。



句意:——杰克是多么聪明呀!——是的,尽管他只有5岁,他能解出那道难的数学问题。A. work out解出,算出;B. carry out实施;执行;C. go out出去;D. look out当心。根据上文Yes. Though he’s only five可知下文是解出那道难题。根据题意,故选A。



句意:——我害怕在公共场合做演讲。——放松,别紧张。我相信你会做得很好。A. No problem.没问题;B. That’s right.那是对的;C. Take it easy.放松,别紧张;D. Good luck!好运。根据下文I believe you can do it well.可知这里是鼓励别人别急,放松。故选C。



句意:Carl一到家就吃了一顿大餐。A. as soon as一……就;B. so that目的,为了;C. as well as也;D. in case of万一。根据下文he arrived at home.可知这里是as soon as引导的时间状语从句。根据题意,故选A。



句意:我的母亲总是对我严格要求。但是我知道她非常地爱我。be proud of以……为骄傲; be strict with 对……严格;be worried about对……担心;be kind to对……好。根据下文But I know she loves me very much.可知这里是对我严格要求。根据题意,故选B。



句意:——Mr. Su,怎样解决这些烦人的事情?——不要担心。我会帮助你。A. go along沿着……;B. put away把……收起来;C. look out小心;D. deal with解决。根据下文Don’t worry. I will help you.可知上文是如何解决。根据题意,故选D。












【解析】16.句意:答案就是改变我们的外貌。A. change改变;B. put    放;C. make使,制作;D. save拯救。根据We must make sure that we dress well and look well. We also must often smil……可知这里是说改变我们的外貌。根据题意可知选A。

【解析】17.句意:因为面部表情是我们外表的重要组成部分。A. because因为;B. though尽管;C. if如果;D. so因此。根据下文facial expression is an important part of our appearance.可知这里是表示原因,用because。根据题意可知选A。

【解析】18.句意:没有人比一个总是对别人微笑的人更富有。A. poorer适合的;B. busier更忙的;C. richer更富的;D. safer更安全的。根据下文He will gain(收获)more friendship. 可知上文是说更富有。根据题意可知选C。

【解析】19.句意:微笑能让人更亲近,但很多人仍然无法微笑。A. and和,又;B. unti    直到;C. or否则,要不然;D. but但是。根据下文many still fail to smile.可知这里是表示转折关系。故选D。

【解析】20.句意:他们似乎只处理自己的事情。他们不在乎别人的感受。A. families家庭;B. exams考试;C. feelings感觉;D. jokes笑话。根据上文They seem only to deal with their own business.可知下文是说别人的感觉。故选C。

【解析】21.句意:也许他们永远不知道微笑会真正影响到的不是别人的情绪,而是他们自己。A. themselves他们自己;B. herself他自己;C. himself他自己;D. ourselves我们自己。根据上文Maybe they never know smiles will really affect not the mood of others可知这里是指他们自己。故选A。

【解析】22.句意:如果你微笑,你会感觉更好,看起来更好。A. worse更差;B. more更多;C. less更少;D. better更好。根据上文If you smile, you feel better可知下文是说更好。故选D。

【解析】23.句意:所以,对你的妈妈、朋友、老板微笑不管是谁。A. what什么;B. who谁;C. when何时;D. where在哪。根据上文So, smile at your mom, your friends, your boss...可知用who引导宾语从句。故选B。

【解析】24.句意:你能想象没有微笑的世界是什么样子吗?A. with带有,具有;B. under在……下面;C. without没有;D. on在……上。根据下文it   will be cold and dark. Life is a long road.可知上文是说没有了微笑的世界。故选C。

【解析】25.句意:人生是漫长的路,如果你想在路上感到温暖,为什么不让它充满微笑呢?。A. fill填满、充满;B. test测试;C. break打破;D. get得到。短语fill…with…表示用……填满……。根据题意,故选A。







【解析】26.细节理解。根据文中Museum for Children Phone: 010 8285 4000可知答案。故选B。

【解析】27.细节理解。根据文中Theater Museum   It tells the history of the performing art in China. The collection is about theater, dance, opera, rock and pop.可知,如果你想了解京剧,你应该去戏剧博物馆。故选B

【解析】28.细节理解。根据文中Transport Museum Price: ¥20.00可知,应该支付20元。故选B。

【解析】29.细节理解。根据文中Beijing is a good place for kids! Come here and you’ll enjoy yourselves.可知这里三个博物馆主要是适合孩子们玩。故选A。

【解析】30.细节理解。根据文中Museum for Children  Price: Free可知,儿童博物馆是免费的。故选C。







【解析】31.细节理解。根据文中It may be really hard to tell others that you’re feeling sad or worried. If you keep these feelings in your heart, you may even fall ill at last. 可知,如果我们有心里悲伤的事情或感到担心,又很难对别人诉说,久而久之就会生病。故选A。

【解析】32.推理判断,根据文中If you talk with your parents or friends, you may feel better. But if a kid doesn’t want to talk with his or her dad or mom, what should he or she do? It’s better to find another trusty (可信的) adult (成年人), like a teacher at school.可知,文中没有提到陌生人。故选C。

【解析】33.细节理解。根据文中If you think it’s difficult for you to say what you think, write it down on a piece of paper. 可知,在一张纸上写下来。故选D。

【解析】34.推理判断。根据文中If the person can’t understand what you mean right away, try to say it in a different way or give an example. 可知,如果对方不能马上理解你的意思,试着用不同的方式表达或举例说明。选项D是错误的。故选D。












【解析】36.句意:他像往常一样起得很早。短语as usual表示像平时一样;根据句意,故填usual 。






【解析】42.句意:我期待着收到你的信。look forward to doing sth.表示期待做某事;receive的意思是收到,根据句意,故填receiving。

【解析】43.句意:我们为我们的国家感到骄傲。短语be proud of…表示以……为骄傲;根据句意,故填proud。


【解析】45.句意:他拒绝接受我的礼物。refuse to do sth.表示拒绝做某事;这里是一般过去时态,根据句意,故填refused。







【解析】46.根据Tony wants to find a job as a tourist guide. 托尼想找个导游的工作。可以看选项A West  Holiday. Pat-time provided. Guide for the summer holiday. Good pay. Tel: 020-8822745. 故选A。

【解析】47.根据Sally is so rich that she wants to book the best hotel for his coming holidays萨利很富有,她想为他即将到来的假期订最好的旅馆。信息F Five star hotel China Hotel. Add: No.1 Liu Hua Rd,  Tel: 020-8666888.比较适合。故选F。

【解析】48.根据Jim has to find a job and he thinks about going to the Internet for some information吉姆必须找到一份工作,他想上网了解一些情况。选项D http://www.51job.net.比较适合。故选D。

【解析】49.根据Ann wants to have someone take care of her baby 3 hours a day so that she can work as a soho. 安希望有人每天照顾她的孩子3个小时,这样她就可以作为一个soho工作。信息B适合Baby-sitting Service Center. Tel: 8866443.故选B。

【解析】50.根据Jackson is interested in  computers. He wants to buy a new one. 杰克逊对电脑感兴趣。他想买一个新的。选项H比较适合,Tian Yuan Computer Selling Center( Different kinds of computers on sale. Low price with high quality. Tel: 87765543.


51.the center of London

52.21/ twenty one`

53.in 1885

54.Central Park

55.Hyde Park

这篇文章主要介绍了三个公园:英国最大的皇家公园Hyde Park, 曼哈顿中心的人工公园Central Park,加拿大最大的公园Banff National Park。

【解析】51.根据文中the biggest royal park of the UK, lies in the center of London可知,Hyde Park在英国的中心。故填the center of London。

【解析】52.根据文中With 21 playgrounds and 2 zoos, Central Park is a wonderful place for children to have fun. 可知,21个操场。故填21/ twenty one。

【解析】53.根据文中Banff National Park, the largest park in Alberta, Canada, was open in 1885.可知是在1885年。故填in 1885。

【解析】54.根据文中Central Park  Central Park is a wonderful place for children to have fun. 可知,这里是说Central Park,故填Central Park 。

【解析】55.根据文中Hyde Park Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park is famous all over the world. Anyone can make a speech there on Sunday afternoon.可知,是Hyde Park,故填Hyde Park。












【解析】56.句意:在他回家的路上,没有人,也没有公共汽车。On one’s way home表示在回家的路上;根据句意,故填On。

【解析】57.句意:因此他不得不步行回家。on foot表示步行;根据上文there were no people and no buses.可知这里是on foot表示步行;根据句意,故填foot。


【解析】59.句意:他们总是在那儿。根据上文He wanted to get the keys.可知下文是他们。根据句意,故填They。

【解析】60.句意:当他抬起头,突然看到他的窗户坏了。短语look up表示抬头看。这里是过去时态,look的过去式是looked。根据句意,故填looked。

【解析】61.句意:当他抬起头,突然看到他的窗户坏了。根据下文There was a ladder(梯子) behind his house. He carried it to the window. Then he began to ____up the ladder. _____dark it was!可知这里是说窗户坏了。broken形容词坏的,open形容词开的,结合语境可知它们都可以,故填broken/open。

【解析】62.句意:然后他们开始爬上梯子。短语climb up表示爬上;短语begin to do sth.表示开始做某事;根据句意,故填climb。



【解析】65.句意:但当他把手伸进口袋时,他发现钥匙就在那里。根据上文But when he put his hand into his pokey可知下文是说钥匙。这里用名词复数,key的复数是keys。根据句意,故填keys。

66.Last Sunday, I went to Sunshine Farm with my parents. It took us a and half  hours to go there by bus.When we got there, we were surprised at the green trees and beautiful flowers. The air is so fresh,It was so great. We also saw some birds. They were flying and singing happily. In the morning, we picked some apples and strawberries. It was very interesting. After lunch,  we also took many photos. We all had a good time that day.

