2021-4-17 11:1:50 浏览1157次


1.— Do you know ________ girl under ________ tree?

— Of course. She's my sister. She likes playing  ________violin.

A.the, the, the                    B.the, the, /                        C.a, a, the                           D.a, a,/

2.In many countries, Father's Day is celebrated________ the third Sunday ________June.

A.in, on                               B.on,in                                 C.in, in                                D.on, on

3.You must be very tired. Why not       a rest?

A. stop taking    B. stop to take

C. to stop taking    D. to stop to take

4.The boy, who ________ to the teacher just now, is  ________on the bed.

A.lay; lying                        B.laid; laying                     C.lied; laying                     D.lied; lying

5.The beautiful vase is made of ________ and it is from ________.

A.China; China                 B.Chinese;Chinese            C.China;china                    D.china;China

6.Don’t read ________ bed. It's bad  ________your eyes.

A.in; for                              B.on; of                               C.in; of                                D.on; for

7.— I ________what to wear to Jane's birthday party tonight. Can you help me?

—  Sure.I ________you can wear a long dress.

A.think about; am thinking                                          B.am thinking about; think

C.think about; think                                                       D.am thinking about; am thinking

8.The gold watch is very expensive, ________he won’t buy it.He ________a plastic one.

A.but; prefers buying                                                    B.and; prefers buying

C.so; prefers to buy                                                       D.or, prefers to buy

9.My younger sister is only two years old. So she can't dress ________ and Mum looks after ________, at home.

A.hers; her                          B.her, herself                     C.herself, her                     D.hers;herself

    One afternoon David went to buy a pen for himself. _________ his way to the shop, he saw an old woman drop a small bag to the ground. Before he told her about it, a worker had picked it up and put it into his pocket. Soon the woman couldn't find her bag and went to ask the worker,_________ the man didn't tell the woman that he saw it. Looking at the tall and strong man, David could not help the old woman and _________.

That evening _________little boy felt sorry. He thought and thought and at last he found a way.The next morning, after he had breakfast, David went to his friend _______ home and told him about it. The boy agreed _______ him give the worker a lesson. The man was cleaning a sewer (下水道) _______ the two boys passed by.

"My mother dropped her gold watch into this sewer yesterday," David said to Mike, When he beard this, the worker's eyes lit up (发光).“Well, boys.," he said. “It's dirty here. Go and _________ somewhere else.

About two hours _________ the two boys passed there again.The worker stopped them and asked, “________________ you sure that your mother lost her gold watch here?"“Yes,” answered David. 

“But my father has got it out!"

10.A.On                              B.In                                      C.At                                     D.With

11.A.and                             B.but                                    C.or                                      D.so

12.A.left                              B.leave                                 C.leaves                               D.leaving

13.A.the                              B.an                                      C.a                                        D./

14.A.Mike                          B.Mike's                              C.Mikes                               D.Mikes'

15.A.help                            B.helping                            C.to help                             D.with helping

16.A.after                           B.when                                C.where                               D.which

17.A.play                            B.to play                             C.plays                                D.played

18.A.lately                          B.late                                    C.later                                  D.latest

19.A.Do                              B.Did                                   C.Was                                  D.Are

    Big schoolbags have been a big problem for students for a long time. Maybe your schoolbag is too_________ to carry and it troubles you a lot when you want to find out a book to_________.Now e-textbooks will help you.

It is said that many Chinese middle schools are going to_________ e-textbooks. An e-textbook, _________,is a small computer for students. It is much lighter than a usual schoolbag and _________to carry.Though it is as small as a _________, it can hold everything for study. The students can read the _________ page by page on the screen, take notes with the pointer(屏写笔),or even“_________”their homework to their teachers by sending e- mails. All they have to do is to press a button.

Some people _________ e-textbooks are good, but some say they may be ____________ to the students' eyes. What do you think of it?

20.A.expensive                  B.heavy                               C.light                                 D.tidy

21.A.look                            B.see                                     C.watch                               D.read

22.A.carry                          B.use                                    C.discuss                             D.sell

23.A.in fact                        B.in a way                          C.in all                                D.for example

24.A.hard                            B.difficult                           C.easy                                  D.happy

25.A.schoolbag                 B.book                                 C.computer                        D.desk

26.A.poem                          B.story                                 C.song                                 D.text

27.A.give up                      B.take in                              C.hand in                            D.turn off

28.A.say                              B.laugh                                C.prefer                               D.decide

29.A.good                           B.valuable                           C.dangerous                       D.harmful

    One of my favourite books is That Guy Was Cool. It's a wonderful book for children, I think. But parents and teachers love it, too. It can teach them something about the language of today's children.

So lots of people, young and old, wan to know about tho book’s writer, a Korean girl Guiyeoni.

"This book is near to us and goes to our hearts., When I read it, I laughed and cried." said Liang Zi, a girl from Jiangsu.

The book tell an unusual story of love between two students, The girl is sweet, but she's very common, The boy is good— looking and has everything, but he is often unhappy because his father died when the boy was very young, They become close and help each other to be happy. In the end, they fall in love.

“The girl in the book is like me. She's simple." said Guiyeoni.

Guiyeoni's book doesn't only use words. It also uses things like emotions. Emotions are small icons(符号), like smiling faces, and she uses them to show emotions. Children know what these things mean, because they often use them when they talk on the Internet or send messages with mobile phones.

30.Guiyeoni is  ________.

A.a girl who falls in love with her classmate         B.a young sister

C.the writer of That Guy Was Cool.                         D.one of the emotions

31.Which of the following may not be an emotion?

A.8— )                                B.:— (                                 C.See you                           D.:(

32.Guiyeoni is a(n) ________girl.

A.simple                              B.outgoing                          C.friendly                           D.short and fat

33.Guiyeoni uses emotions to write the book because ________.

A.she really likes them                                                  B.she can't draw pictures

C.pictures can say lots of things                               D.young readers are interested in them

34.Which of the following is true?

A.Teachers don't like That Guy Was Cool.

B.That Guy Wag Cool is near to students and goes to their heats.

C.Guiyeoni doesn't like emotions very much.

D.The boy in the book loves the girl because she looked nice.

    A young women was driving through the lonely countryside. It was dark and rainy.Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road, holding up hers hand as if she wanted a lift(搭便车).

“I can't leave her out in this weather” the young woman said to herself, She stopped the car and opened the door.

“Do you want a lift” she asked, The old woman nodded(点头) and climbed into the car.

After a white, she said to the old woman, “Have you been waiting a long time?" The old woman shook her head.“Strange,”thought the woman, She tried again."Bad weather for the time of year," she said.The old woman nodded.

Then the young woman noticed the old woman's hands,which were large and hairy.

Suddenly she realized that “she”was man! She stopped the car. "1 can't see out of the rear screen(后挡风玻璃),”she said,“Would you mind cleaning it for me?”

“The old woman” nodded and opened the door. As soon as “she” was out of the car, the frightened young woman drove off as fast as she could.

When she got to the next village,she stopped.She noticed “the old woman” had left “her” handbag behind.She picked it up and opened it. Inside was a gun.

35.When the young woman talked with “her”, “the old woman” only nodded or shook “her”head because“she” ________.

A.was worried that the young woman had seen “her” hands

B.didn't want to trouble the young woman any more

C.was so tired that “she” didn't want to talk with her

D.didn't want the young woman to hear “her” voice

36.When the young woman found something strange, she  ________.

A.drove away as fast as possible                                B.thought of an idea

C.went on driving as usual                                          D.drove her car to a village

37.The young woman asked “the old woman” to clean the rear screen in order to  ________.

A.see more clearly                                                          B.drive fast and well

C.make “her” speak                                                       D.throw “her” out

38.From the story we can see that the young woman was ________.

A.strong and helpful                                                      B.beautiful and bright

C.foolish and shy                                                            D.kind and clever

39.What do you think "the old woman” was?

A.A policeman.                                                               B.A basketball player.

C.A robber.                                                                       D.A poor villager.

    Li Ming was worried about his study, so he wrote a letter to a magazine.

Dear editors(编辑),

I'm a slow student in my class. Most of my classmates are much better than me. So I get very stressed out, It's difficult to keep on working hard and it's really not fun. And I think although I spend much time studying for the tests. I can't get good grades. My father gives me some help sometimes. He tells me not to worry bout it. But what do you think I should do?

Li Ming

Two readers read the letter from the magazine and here are their answers:

Dear Li Ming,

Mary famous people were not so good at the age like you, Edison, the famous scientist, had a bad headache for his studies when he was a 12- year- old boy. But everyone knows that he did a lot for the people in the world. And Newton had the same story like him. You should take it easy, and then try your best. I believe you can do better.


Dear Li Ming,

When you are feeling stressed out, just smile and take a deep breath(深呼吸).You should believe tomorrow is another day.


40.Li Ming was worried about ________.

A.his classmates                B.his life                             C.his study                         D.his father

41.Linda talked about ________examples in her letter.

A.one                                   B.two                                   C.three                                 D.four

42.Linda wrote about those famous people ________.

A.to make Li Ming feel better                                    B.to make Li Ming laugh

C.to show how much she knows                                D.to show that she dislikes them

43.Which is NOT true?

A.Li Ming doesn't enjoy studying at school.           B.Li Ming's father always helps him with his study.

C.Smiling can make you feel better.                         D.Li Ming doesn't know Linda or Mr, Unsmart.

44.“Tomorrow is another day.” tells us ________.

A.it's the weekend tomorrow                                       B.Li Ming will be OK tomorrow

C.tomorrow is different from today                         D.there are hopes in our lives

45.Hurry up, or you will m ________ the school bus.

46.When we do the listening exercise, it is a quick way to t ________the possible answers.

47.The school library is sometimes c ________ during the lunch break.

48.Nansha Island is in the s ________ of Guangdong.

49.The English dictionary is h ________ to me. I can look up new words in it.

50.When night falls, stars a ________.

51.He spent two hours taking me to the a ________.The plane will take off soon.

52.There is a restaurant at the b ________ of the hill.People can have a rest there.

53.Excuse me, I want to buy some f  ________ for my new house, such as chairs,desks,etc.

54.The doctor s ________ the girl's life. Her parents thanked him a lot.


Finally,Dad was successful in ________  ________ smoking


No one can be ________ but we should ________  ________ do our best.


It  ________  ________  ________ children to know that trees can fight against air pollution.


Mum,don't forget ________  ________  ________  ________ at six tomorrow morning.


We  ________  ________  ________ the key.

60.air, the, clean,cool,trees,keep, can,and(.)


61.apologized,led, Charlie, John, room, to, the, receptionist,and, and, their (.)


62.wine,to,excellent,grow, farmers ,grapes,make (.)


63.animals,and,move, through, bears, other, quietly,forests,tigers (,.)



64.A.cheerful                     B.nervous                            C.patient                             D.remain

65.A.away                          B.angry                                C.also                                   D.army

66.A.successful                 B.receptionist                     C.encourage                       D.probably

67.A.oxygen                      B.interview                         C.discuss                             D.towel

68.A.paragraph                 B.vineyard                          C.receiver                           D.anywhere


69.A.south                          B.mountain                         C.ground                             D.touch

70.A.deer                            B.hear                                  C.ear                                    D.wear

71.A.beach                         B.machine                           C.chair                                 D.French

72.A.bark                            B.bottom                             C.climb                               D.blind

73.A.saved                          B.allowed                            C.waited                              D.opened

阅读短文及文后 A— E 选项,选出可以填入各小题空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。注意:如果选E,同时涂黑AB。

What do you want to be when you grow up? For many children, it's difficult to decide what to do in the future. 74.

When I was a child, I like collecting rocks,so I wanted to be a geologist(地质学家).I had a book with pictures of different kinds of rocks.75.

I would buy the beautiful rocks in stores, And I would pick up rocks when I went outside.

Later,I became interested in growing plants, and I thought about studying plants in the future.76.

My parents bought me a camera when I was in middle school.77.so at that time, 1wanted to travel all over the world to take interesting photos.

78.As a child, I never thought I would become a doctor.But I am proud of my job.

A.Now my job is not about one of the hobbies I used to have.

B.Then I became interested in photography.

C.All the information of my rocks was in the park.

D.I planted more and more plants and was busy taking care of them every day.

E.They may change their ideas as they grow older.

79.Alice is  ________ (I) best friend.We often play together.

80.The greedy boss made the workers ________ (work) all day and all night.

81.What is the ________ (high) mountain in the world?

82.Thank you for ________ (teach) me how to improve my English.

83.Yao Ming was one of the best  ________ (player)in NBA.

84.The school spent 3 million yuan  ________ (build) a new stadium.

85.If you do your homework more ________ (care),you will make fewer mistakes.

86.We enjoyed ________ (us) at the beach yesterday.

87.As a result, the number of kinds of animals, birds, insects and trees in the world  ________ (be)decreasing(减少)

88.Do some sports every day, and it will help you keep ________ (health).









考查时间介词。1.在较长的时间里用介词in,例如,在某年/月/季节/在某世纪/在某年代或特定世纪某年代/在早上、下午、晚上等(in 1967/in May/in winter/in the eighteenth century/in 1970s’/in the morning)。2.“在具体的某一天(在具体的某一天的)早上、中午、晚上等使用介词on。例如,on May 10th,on a rainy morning,on Saturday morning,on Teachers' Day。第三个星期天是具体某一天,可知使用介词on,在六月使用介词in。故选B。


【解析】3.why not do sth表示建议,意思是问什么不做某事。




考查动词辨析。lie:躺,位于,谎话等意思,作躺,位于的原形/过去式/过去分词/现在分词是lie/ lay/ lain/ lying;作为谎话的原形/过去式/过去分词/现在分词是lie/ lied/ lied/lying。lay还有放置,下蛋的意思,它原形/过去式/过去分词/现在分词是lay/ laid /laid/laying。lie to sb.:给某人撒谎;lie on the bed:躺在床上;定语从句的时间just now(刚才)可知使用过去式,根据句意可知填lied;本句是现在进行,其构成是be doing sth.,本句有被动词is,可知填现在分词,根据句意可知填lying。故选D。




考查名词辨析。China:中国;china:瓷,瓷料,陶瓷;Chinese中国人,华人,汉语。短语be made of:由什么材料制成;be from:来自……(地方)。故选D。




考查介词短语和形容词短语。in bed:卧床,躺在床上;be bad for:对……有坏处,对……有害。故选A。




考查动词时态。根据下文你能帮助我吗?可知上文是我在考虑今晚我穿什么参加简的生日聚会。表示现在正在做某事,时态使用现在进行时,填am thinking about。第2句描述现阶段的动作或者状态,即我现在的态度,可知使用一般现在时,填think。故选B。




考查并列连词和动词辨析。but:但是,表示转折;and:和,而且,那么,表示并列,顺承或递进;so:因此,表示因果关系;or:或者,表示选择关系。第一句是并列句,前后句是因果关系,可知填so。短语prefer doing sth.=prefer to do sth.:更喜欢做某事,第2句可填prefers buying或prefers to buy。故选C。




考查代词。her:她,人称代词宾格;作她的讲,形容词物主代词;hers:她的,名词性的物主代词;herself:她自己,反身代词。dress sb.:给某人穿衣服,dress oneself:自己穿衣服;look after sb.:照顾某人;look after oneself:照顾自己。根据句意可知填herself, her;选C。













考查介词。短语on one’s way to sp.:在……路上。故选A。




考查动词时态。left一般过去时;leave一般现在时;leaves一般现在时,三单形式;leaving现在分词。本句谓语是and连接的两个动词(短语),这个两个动词形式应一致,根据could not help the old woman”是一般过去时,可知此动词也使用一般过去时,故选A。






考查动词不定式做宾语。短语agree to do sth.:同意做某事,可知填to help;故选C。


考查时间状语从句。after:在……以后;when    当……时候,引导时间状语从句,可表示两个动作同时发生,从句使用一般过去时,主句一般使用过去进行时。where在哪里;which哪些,哪一个。根据句意可知前后句谓语动词的动作是同时发生,可知填when;故选B。


考查动词形式。play动词原形;to play动词不定式,非谓动词;plays三单形式;played一般过去时。本句是祈使句,以动词形式开头。并列连词and连接的两个动词形式应一致;可知填动词原形。故选A。




考查be动词和主谓一致。短语be sure that+从句:确定……。本句主语you,可知be动词使用复数;was是is/am的过去式,三单形式,可知排除。Did和do是助动词,排除。可知填are;故选D。













考查形容词辨析。expensive    昂贵的;heavy重的;light轻的;tidy整洁。根据下文想找本书读的时候,会很麻烦可知书包太重了,拿不动,故选B。




考查动词辨析。carry携带,搬;use使用;discuss    讨论;sell出售,卖。根据语境可知据说中国很多中学都要用电子教科书。故选B。


考查介词短语。in fact事实上;in a way在某一方面,在某种意义上;in all总共,总计;for example例如。根据句意可知选A。


考查形容词辨析。hard    艰苦的,难的;difficult困难的;easy容易的;happy高兴的,幸福的。根据上文它比一般的书包轻得多可知便于携带,故选C。






考查动词短语。give up放弃,戒除;take in吸收,吞,领会,收留;hand in上交,递交;turn off关上,关掉。hand in homework:交作业;故选C。




考查形容词辨析。good好的;valuable值钱的,贵重的;dangerous危险的;harmful有害的。根据but”结合常识可知电子教科书可能对学生的眼睛有害;结合短语be harmful to sb.:对……有害。故选D。







【解析】30.细节题。根据第2段“So lots of people, young and old, wan to know about tho book’s writer, a Korean girl Guiyeoni.(所以很多人,无论老少,都想知道这本书的作者,一个韩国女孩Guiyeoni。)”可知“Guiyeoni是《那个很酷的家伙》的作者。”故选C。

【解析】31.推理判断题。根据第6段第3句“Emotions are small icons(符号), like smiling faces, and she uses them to show emotions.( 情感符号是小图标,就像笑脸,她用它们来表达情感。)”可知“情感是小图标,See you不是图标,可知不是情感。”故选C。

【解析】32.细节题。根据第5段““The girl in the book is like me. She's simple." said Guiyeoni.(“书中的女孩和我一样。她很单纯。”吉耶奥尼说。)可知“吉耶奥尼是一个很单纯的女孩。”故选A。

【解析】33.推理判断题。根据第6段第4句“Children know what these things mean, because they often use them when they talk on the Internet or send messages with mobile phones.(孩子们知道这些东西是什么意思,因为他们经常在网上聊天或用手机发送信息时使用它们。)”可知吉耶奥尼用情感符号来写这本书,因为年轻读者对它们感兴趣。故选D。

【解析】34.理解判断题。根据第1段第3句“But parents and teachers love it, too.”可知老师喜欢《那个家伙很酷》,故A错误。根据第6段第1和2句“Guiyeoni's book doesn't only use words. It also uses things like emotions.(吉耶奥尼的书不仅用语言。它也使用情感符号之类的东西。)”可知Guiyeoni喜欢情感符号,故C错误。根据第4段第2句“The girl is sweet, but she's very common,(这个女孩很可爱,但她很普通,)”可知“书中的男孩喜欢这个女孩,因为她看起来很漂亮”不正确,故D错误。根据第3段“"This book is near to us and goes to our hearts., When I read it, I laughed and cried." said Liang Zi, a girl from Jiangsu.(江苏女孩梁子说:“这本书离我们很近,很贴近我们的心,我读了它,又笑又哭。”。)”可知“《那个家伙很酷》离学生很近,而且很贴近他们的心。”故B正确;选B。







【解析】35.推理判断题。根据第4段和第5段第1句Then the young woman noticed the old woman's hands,which were large and hairy. Suddenly she ralized that “she”was man!(然后年轻的女人注意到了老妇人的手,那是大而多毛的。突然她意识到是男人!)我们可知这个老太太是个假装的,他是男的,故当年轻女人和说话时,老女人只是点头或摇头,因为不想让年轻女人听到的声音。故选D。



【解析】38.主旨题。由第一段I can't leave her out in this weather,一句可推知该女子很善良,以及第二和第三段智斗劫匪的过程可知她很聪明;故选D。








【解析】40.细节题。根据本文第1句Li Ming was worried about his study”可知李明担心他的学习;故选C。


【解析】42.主旨题。根据第2封信(琳达写给李明的信)最后两句You should take it easy, and then try your best. I believe you can do better.(你应该放轻松,然后尽力。我相信你能做得更好。)可知琳达写那些名人的事是为了让李明感到自信。故选A。

【解析】43.理解判断题。根据第1封信(李明写给编辑的信)倒数第3句My father gives me some help sometimes.(我父亲有时给我一些帮助。)可知李明的父亲总是帮助他学习错误的,故选B。

【解析】44.词句理解题。根据上文When you are feeling stressed out, just smile and take a deep breath(当你感到压力很大时,微笑着深呼吸)可知此句You should believe tomorrow is another day.句意:你应该相信明天是另一天。也就是明天和今天不一样。故选C。




本句是句型祈使句,+ or + 陈述句,该句型表示如果不做到祈使句表示的事情,就会有后面句子表示的结果,陈述句一般使用一般将来时。根据will可知填动词原形。miss:错过,没赶上,miss the school bus:错过了校车,没赶上校车;故填miss。




短语a way to do sth.:做……的一种方法;tick:打上钩,打对号,tick the possible answers:给可能的答案打钩。故填tick。








根据常识可知南沙岛在广东的南部。短语in the south of:在……南部;故填south。




根据下文我可以在里面查生词可知这本英语词典对我很有帮助。短语be helpful to sb.:对……有帮助;故答案为helpful。








根据下文飞机很快就要起飞了可知他花了两个小时带我去机场。 airport:飞机场;故填airport。




短语at the bottom of:在……的底部,at the bottom of the hill:在山脚下。故填bottom。








根据下文Her parents thanked him a lot.”是一般过去时,可知此句时态是一般过去时。根据下文她的父母非常感谢他。可知是医生救了那女孩的命。 save:救,过去时是saved。故答案为saved。

55.giving    up   


短语be successful in doing sth.:成功地做某事,in是介词,后面跟动词使用ing形式;give up:戒除,放弃。故答案为(1). giving (2). up。

56.perfect    try    to   


Be动词后面跟形容词做表语;perfect:完美的,形容词。情态动词should后面跟动词原形,短语try to do sth.:竭尽全力做某事。故填(1). perfect (2). try (3). to。

57.is    good    for   


句型It is+形容词+for sb. to do sth”.:做某事对于某人来说怎么样;be good for sb.:对……有好处的/有益的。故填(1). is  (2). good  (3).for 。

58.to    wake    me    up   


短语don't forget to do sth.:不要忘记做某事;wake sb. up:唤醒某人,wake me up:叫醒我。故填 (1). to  (2). wake (3). me (4). up 。

59.are    looking    for   


根据句意中正在可知此句时态是现在进行时,其构成be doing sth.;本句主语we可知be动词使用are。短语look for:寻找。故填(1). are (2). looking (3).for 。

60.Trees can keep the air clean and cool.



短语keep sth. adj.:保持某物是什么样子的;结合句意可知答案为Trees can keep the air clean and cool.”。注意句子的开头,首字母大写。

61.The receptionist apologized and led John and Charlie to their room.



and和,并列连词,它连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子,表示并列和对称关系。本句谓语动词是and连接的两个动词(过去式)。短语lead sb. to sp.:带领某人到某地方。结合句意可知答案为The receptionist apologized and led John and Charlie to their room.”。

62.Farmers grow grapes to make excellent wine.



短语grow grapes:种植葡萄;形容词修饰名词,可知excellent修饰wine, make excellent wine:酿制优质葡萄酒。动词不定式(to do sth.)做目的状语。故答案为Farmers grow grapes to make excellent wine.”。

63.Tigers,bears and other animals move through forests quietly.



短语move through forests:穿越森林,穿过森林;副词修饰动词,quietly:安静地,悄悄地;move through forests quietly:安静地穿过森林。结合句意可知答案为Tigers,bears and other animals move through forests quietly.”






【解析】64.cheerful [ˈtʃɪəfl];nervous [ˈnɜːvəs];patient [ˈpeɪʃnt];remain [rɪˈmeɪn]。故选D。

【解析】65.away [əˈweɪ];angry [ˈæŋɡri];also [ˈɔːlsəʊ];army [ˈɑːmi]。故选A。

【解析】66.successful [səkˈsesfl];receptionist [rɪˈsepʃənɪst];encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ];probably [ˈprɒbəbli]。故选D。

【解析】67.oxygen [ˈɒksɪdʒən];interview [ˈɪntəvjuː];discuss [dɪˈskʌs];towel [ˈtaʊəl]。故选C。

【解析】68.paragraph    [ˈpærəɡrɑːf];vineyard [ˈvɪnjəd];receiver [rɪˈsiːvə(r)];anywhere [ˈeniweə(r)]。故选C。






【解析】69.考查元音字母组合ou发音。south [saʊθ];mountain [ˈmaʊntən];ground [ɡraʊnd];touch [tʌtʃ]。故选D。

【解析】70.考查元音字母组合ee/ea发音。deer [dɪə(r)];hear [hɪə(r)];ear    [ɪə(r)];wear [weə(r)]。故选D。

【解析】71.考查辅音字母组合ch发音。beach [biːtʃ];machine [məˈʃiːn];chair [tʃeə(r)];French [frentʃ]。故选B。

【解析】72.考查辅音字母b发音。bark [bɑːk];bottom [ˈbɒtəm];climb [klaɪm];blind [blaɪnd]。故选C。

【解析】73.考查辅音字母组合ed发音。saved [seɪvd];allowed    [əˈlaʊd];waited [ˈweɪtɪd];opened [ˈəʊpənd]。故选C。

过去式加 -ed 的读音:

1、在清辅音后,读清辅音 / t / 。

       worked  / kt /     helped  / pt /      passed  / st /

       washed  / ʃt /     watched  / tʃt /

2、在浊辅音和元音后,读浊辅音 / d / 。

       played  / eɪd /    carried  / id /    answered  / əd /  

       lived    / vd /      used  / zd /      called  / ld /

3、在 / t, d / 音后面,  读  / id / 。

wanted  / tid /           needed  / did /








根据上文For many children, it's difficult to decide what to do in the future.(对许多孩子来说,很难决定将来该做什么。)可知此句是随着年龄的增长,他们可能会改变主意。故选E。


根据上文When I was a child, I like collecting rocks,so I wanted to be a geologist(地质学家).I had a book with pictures of different kinds of rooks.(当我还是个孩子的时候,我喜欢收集岩石,所以我想成为一名地质学家,我有一本书,里面有各种各样的车的照片。)谈到了岩石,可知此句是我所有的岩石信息都在公园里。故选C。


根据上文Later,I became interested in growing plants, and I thought about studying plants in the future(后来,我对种植植物产生了兴趣,我考虑将来研究植物)谈到种植植物,可知此句是我种了越来越多的植物,每天都忙着照料它们。故选D。


根据上文My parents bought me a camera when I was in middle school.(我上中学时父母给我买了一台照相机。)提到了照相机,可知此句是:后来我对摄影产生了兴趣。故选B。


根据下文As a child, I never thought I would become a doctor. But I am proud of my job.(小时候,我从没想过自己会成为一名医生,但我为自己的工作感到骄傲。)可知现在我的工作不再是以前的爱好了。故选A。




本词修饰名词best friend”可知填形容词性的物主代词。I我,人称代词主格;形容词性物主代词是my:我的。故填my。




短语make sb. do sth.:让某人做某事,make作使役动词,后面跟不带to的动词不定式。故填work。




根据比较范围in the world”可知形容词使用最高级。high:高,其最高级是highest;故答案为highest。




短语Thank you for:因为……谢谢你,for是介词,后面跟动词使用ing形式。故填teaching。




短语one of:……之一,后面跟可数名词复数;player:球员,复数是players。故填players。




短语spend sm. doing sth.:花了多少钱做某事;故填building。




根据下文你就会犯更少的错误可知如果你更仔细地做作业,可知使用比较级,本词修饰动词do可知填副词。care:关心,关怀;副词是carefully,副词比较级是more carefully。故填carefully。




短语enjoy oneself:过得开心,过得高兴。us:我们,宾格;反身代词是ourselves。故答案为ourselves。




短语the number of:……的数量,做主语时,谓语动词使用单数。故填is。




短语keep healthy:保持健康,keep是系动词,后面跟形容词做表语(即keep+adj.,系表结构),意思是保持……状态。故填healthy。