2021-4-05 05:26:28 浏览581次









1. 实义动词又称行为动词,在句子中能独立做谓语。

2. 实义动词又分为可以后面直接跟宾语的及物动词和后面不需要跟宾语的


Eg: He sends me a rose. (他送我一朵玫瑰花。)


Eg: The sun rises in the east. (太阳从东方升起.)



1. 系动词不能单独作谓语,而必须和表语(名词,形容词等)一起构成谓


2. 常用的系动词:


     (2)5个感官系动词:look 看起来  smell 闻起来  taste 闻起来

                          sound 听起来  feel 摸起来 (后+形容词)

         Eg: She looks beautiful today. 她今天看起来很漂亮。

            The flowers smell sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。

            That sounds good.  那听起来不错。

     (3)get/become/turn/go  表变化,后加形容词。

         Eg: It gets warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和。

            In fall, the leaves turn yellow. 秋天树叶变黄。

            The food goes bad easily in summer. 食物在夏天很容易变坏。


 1. 助动词本身没有词义,不能单独做谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词,


有:be, do, have, shall, will。

 2. 助动词be

(1)    可用于构成时态,主要是进行时:I am looking at you.

(2)    可用于构成被动语态: You are being looked.

(3)    可与动词不定式构成谓语: My job is to look at you every minute.

3. 助动词have

(1)  构成完成时态:We have learned English for many years.

(2) 和动词不定式构成谓语,表示因客观环境促使不得不做的事情:

     We have to learn English very well.

4. 助动词do

(1) 构成疑问句和否定句:Dose he do his homework after school?

(2) 用来加强语气:I do want to buy a new car.

(3) 用来代替动词词组:Write a letter “L” as I do.

5. 助动词shall

构成将来时态,单纯表示未来情况:Shall I begin?

6. 助动词will

构成将来时,用于第一,二,三人称。They will go to England for a holiday.


1. 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,或表示主观设想。

2. 情态动词有自己的词义,但不能单独做谓语,必须和不带to 的动词不定式


3. 常用的情态动词有:can, may, must, will, shall, should, would, need.








may not

May sub.


May I come in?   You may begin.

2回答may引导的疑问句时,有mustn’t 表示否定:

May I smoke here? No, You mustn’t.

3 Might 不一定代表过去,而是表示更加委婉的口气:

Might I ask you to dance?



can not

Can sub.

1        表示能力,有“能”“会”的意思:

I can swim.

2  表示允许,在口语中代替may:

Can I ask you a question?

3        “can” “be able to” 的比较:主要是时态。Can 只能用于现在时和过去时,其它时态要用be able to


had to

must not

Must sub.

1 表示必须,应该:Students must do the homework.

2 否定形式表示禁止:You mustn’t eat at class.

3 在回答must 疑问句时,否定式常用needn’t, don’t have to, 表示“不必”、“用不着”。

4 must have to 的比较:must 表示说话人的主观看法,have to 表示客观需要,must 只有现在时,要表示过去时或将来时需要用had to will have to.



will not

Will sub.


Will you come with us?

2        表示意愿:I’ll tell you a story.

3        表示预料或习惯性的动作:He will come tonight.



shall not

Shall sub.


Shall I open the door?


need not

Need sub.

1. 作为情态动词主要用于否定句和疑问句:

Need I answer this question?  You needn’t answer it.

2. 作为及物动词,注意否定及疑问形式需要助动词do

need to do; don’t need to do; Do I need to do

4. can, may, must 表示推测,猜测。




must/may be (状态,后接形容词,名词等)


must/may be doing (动作)


must have V p.p


may have  V p.p



can’t be


can’t be doing


can’t have V p.p.



should have done 本应该做…(实际上没做)   You should have finished your homework before sleeping.

shouldn’t have done 本不应该做…(实际上做了)His mother was very angry. He shouldn’t have said that.

needn’t have done 本没必要做…( 已经做完了)  You needn’t have paid for it because it was for free.


一.  写出下列句子中划线动词的种类。

1.   I am studying in No. 1 Middle School.            

2.   This little child can speak English well.           

3.   Will you please go to the cinema with me?         

4.   He did his homework by himself yesterday.         

5.   I have been learning English for many years.         

6.   Spring is here. The trees turn green         

7.   May I go to the cinema with you, Dad?         

8.   I usually get up at six on weekdays.      

9.   -- Who broke the window, boys?

-- I did, Miss Gao.           

 10. He plays football after school. ___________

 11. I was late yesterday. ___________

 12. She must be hungry. __________

 13. He looks very young. _________

 14. They went swimming yesterday evening. __________

 15. I don’t have any sisters. ___________


1. --Let’s go to Taishan Park by taxi. –It’s not far. We ______ take a taxi.

 A. needn’t     B. can’t    C. mustn’t    D. couldn’t

2. –I think Miss Gao must be in the library. She said she would go there.  

   --No, she ______ be there. I have just been there.  

  A. can’t    B. mustn’t    C. needn’t    D. wouldn’t

3. You ______ play with fire, Tom. It’s very dangerous. 

   A. needn’t    B. may not    C. mustn’t    D. wouldn’t

4. As we know, fish ______ die out of water.  

  A. may    B. is going to    C. can    D. will

5. –Can you answer my question, Lily? –Yes, I ______. 

  A. may   B. need    C. must    D. can

6. –Excuse me, ______ you tell me the way to the nearest bus station? 

   --Sorry, I can’t. I’m a stranger here.  

  A. can    B. need    C. must    D. may

7. --______ I have to show the school rl report to my parents, Miss King? 

   --Yes, you do.  

   A. Must    B. Do    C. Can    D. May

 8. When autumn comes, some tree leaves ______ red. 

   A. sound    B. turn    C. smell    D. taste

 9. --______ we swim in that river?

   –No, you ______. It’s dangerous to swim there.  

  A. Must, can’t    B. Can, may not   C. Shall, don’t    D. May, mustn’t      

10. After such a long journey, the children ______ be very tired now. 

  A. can    B. must    C. have to    D. need

11. You’ve made the same mistakes again. You ______ be more careful next time.      

   A. can    B. may    C. had to    D. should

12. --______ I fill in the check-in form right now, sir?  

   --No, you needn’t. You can complete it this afternoon.  

  A. May    B. Can    C. Would    D. Must

13.–Must I finish reading the book today?  

--No. You ______ if you have something else to do.  

 A. mustn’t    B. couldn’t    C. can’t    D. don’t have to

 14. You look tired now. You ______ stay at home and have a rest.   

     A. had to    B. had better    C. would like to    D. would rather

15. –Could I look at your pictures? –Yes, of course you ______.  

A. could    B. can    C. will    D. might

16. Look at those big black clouds. It ______ rain. Let’s hurry.  

 A. must    B. will    C. would    D. is going to

17. –Mum, may I watch TV now

       --Sure, but you ______ help me with my housework first.  

 A. can    B. may    C. must    D. could

18. –Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?   

    --I’d love to. But I’m afraid I ______. I have too much work to do.

  A. can’t    B. mustn’t    C. needn’t    D. may not

 19. --______ you like to go shopping with me? –Yes, I _____

       A. Would, would  B. Will, will like   C. Would, would love  D. Would, would love to

20. –I was told to be here before seven.  --Oh, you ______.

       I’m sorry for not telling you that we have changed the plan.  

      A. must    B. can’t    C. may    D. needn’t

三. 选用选用选用选用may, must, can, can’t, should填空:

    1. “______ your brother speak English very well, too?” No, he ______.”

    2. “______ you play tennis?” “Yes, I ______.”

    3. The box is very heavy. Tom ______ move it.

    4. “What about seeing a new film this evening?” 

      “I’m afraid I ______. I ______ finish my English exercises this evening.”

    5. This fish won’t keep fresh, we ______ eat it now.

    6. You ______ do it, so ______ I.

    7. You ______ start now, or you’ll be late.

    8. Excuse me, sir. ______ I ask you a question, please?

    9. I’m not sure about the news. It ______ or ______ not be true.

   10. Lily isn’t here.

      She ______ have gone to the school library, or she ______ have gone .

  四.用mustn’t , needn’t 填空:

   1. You ______ write to me if you don’t have the time.

   2. You ______ hurry. I’m sure you won’t be late.

   3. You ______ forget to write to me when you arrive there.

   4. Jane, you ______ play with the knife. It’s very dangerous.

   5. –Must I get there on time today? –No, you ______.

   6. Time is flying. We ______ waste our time.

   7. You ______ be afraid of the difficulty. We’ll give you a helping hand.

   8. –“Must I hand in the maths exercises tomorrow?”  

      --No, you ______. You may hand it in the day after tomorrow.

   9. Tom, you ______ read in the sun. It’s not good for your eyes.

  10. You ______ worry so much. I’m sure he’ll be well soon.

  五. 用适当的情态动词填空:

   1. Nobody ____ live without air and water.

   2. -- _____ he speak Chinese?  --Yes,a little.

   3. The book _____ be returned before Saturday.

   4. -- _____ I come in?  -- Yes,please.

   5. You ____ give up smoking at once.It's bad for your health.

   6. Excuse me,____ I ask you a question?

   7. ____ you tell me where the station is?

   8. The train will leave at half past six,so I ____ get there fifteen minutes earlier.

   9. You don't ____ worry about her.She is much better now.

  10. If you want to pass the exam,you ____ work hard.

  11.  A: ______ I finish my homework now?  

      B: No, you ______. You ______ do it tomorrow.

  12. A: This pencil is very short, ______ you still use it? 

     B: No, I ______. You ______ buy one for me. 

  13. A: ______ I go out and play basketball, mum?  

     B: No, you ______ finish your homework first.

  14. A: ______ I play football in the street?   B: No, you ______.

  15. A: ______ you find many people in the doctor’s waiting room.   

     B: No, I ______.