2021-4-05 05:24:40 浏览643次




1. 时间副词:表示事物发生的时间

  before  以前  now  现在  early  早地   today  今天

2. 地点副词:表示事情发生的地点,位置

  here  这里   upstairs  楼上  somewhere  某处  away  远离

3. 程度副词:表示程度的深浅

  much  很  very 非常   almost 几乎  enough  足够  hardly 几乎不

4. 频度副词:表示事情发生的频率

  always 总是  often 经常  once 一次  ever 曾经

5. 方式副词:表示事情进行的方式

  quickly 快地  loudly 大声地  happily 幸福地  angrily 愤怒地

6. 疑问副词:主要用来引导特殊疑问词

  when 何时  why  为什么  where 哪儿  how 如何


1. 副词修饰形容词时,一般放在形容词前面。

2. 副词修饰其他副词时,一般放在这个副词的前面。

3. 副词修饰动词时,一般放在行为动词的后面。

4. 句子中有助动词或be动词时,副词一般位于助动词或be 动词之后。


1. 形容词+ly构成:slow-slowly  quick-quickly  hurried-hurriedly  

  beautiful-beautifully  cheap-cheaply sudden-suddenly  bad-badly

2. 以y结尾的,变y为i+ly: thirsty-thirstily  happy-happily 

                          lucky-luckily   angry-angrily


1,   规则的副词的变化形式和形容词的变化形式一样

2,   副词比较级的用法和形容词比较级的用法相同,但副词最高级前可以不加定冠词the (有时加也可以)

     She sings best in her class. 她在她们班唱得最好。

3, 副词比较级和最高级的其它用法

 (1)表示“越来越……”, 用 “比较级+and+比较级”结构或“more and more  +原级”,

     He runs faster and faster. 他跑得越来越快。

   The girl grows more and more beautiful. 女孩儿变得越来越漂亮。

 (2) 表示“越…, 越…,” 用 “the +副词比较级, the+副词比较级” 结构

   The sooner, the better. 越快越好。

   The harder she studied, the more progress she make.她学习越努力,进步就越大。



1. good _________        2. bad ___________        3. easy ___________

4. happy_________        5. loud ___________       6. slow____________

7. deep __________        8.careful__________       9. sad____________

10. quiet_________        11. angry_________       12. real___________

13. correct________        14. honest________       15. clear__________

16. quick__________       17. lucky_________       18. heavy_________


1. 莉莉每天7点起床。(at,every day,Lily,gets up,seven o’clock)


2. 刚才他飞快地跑上楼去。(he,ran,just now,fast,upstairs)


3. 我妹妹每天早上都会在花园里愉快地唱歌。

(sings,in the garden,my sister,every morning,happily)


4. 这个女孩来自美国华盛顿。(the,Washington,comes from,USA,girl)


5. 他上周日在公园玩得很开心。(last Sunday,played,He,in the park,happily)



1, My job is to serve customers _______ ( good ).

2, The teacher should be listened to _______ ( care ).

3, S.H.E. sing so _______ ( beautiful ) that many people like them.

4 , Look! She is running _______ ( fast ) and _______ (fast).

5, We have to stay at home. It is raining _______ (heavy ) outside.

6, He does not play basketball as _______ (good ) as his brother.


1. --How was the weather yesterday?

   --It was terrible. It snowed _______. He could ______ come back in time.

   A. hard , hard  B. heavy, hardly  C. heavily, hardly  D. hard, heavily

2. --Do you wash clothes by hands?

   --_________. I usually use washing machine.

   A. Much    B. Often   C. Seldom    D. Little

3. Jane is a _______ dancer and she dances ______________.

   A. good, well  B. well, well  C. good, good  D. well, good

4.  ______you take ,_______healthy you’ll be.

  A.More exercise, more        B.Most exercise, most

  C.The more exercise, the more  D.The most exercise, the most

5. My mother had to work last night, so she went to bed ________ me.

    A. as earlier as  B. as early as  C. earlier than  D. later than

 6. _____ I read, ___ ___I’ll be.

    A.The much; the happy     B.More; happier

    C.The more;  the happier   D.The most; the happiest

 7. Both Andy and I drive slowly. Tom drives fast. So Tom drives _____ of all.

   A. slower  B. the slowest  C. faster  D. the fastest

 8. Would you please say it _______? I still can’t follow you.

    A.loudly   B.slowly   C.more loudly   D.more slowly