2021-4-05 05:5:53 浏览258次

1. ---We‟ll do what we can ____English well this term.

 ---It‟s high time for you to work hard.

 A. study    B. to study      C. be studied     D. be studying

这题可能会误选A,因为大家知道情态动词后接动词原形,但是请大家分析下句子的成分,这里的what we can 实际省略了do,这个what we can do 在句子中作宾语从句。正确答案是B,用动词不定式作目的状语。后面回答的it's time for sb.to do sth.....对某人来说是时候去做...这是固定用法。

2. ---I don‟t think your team can beat theirs.

---____. But we could if Lin Tao were on the team.

 A. No, we can‟t      B. Yes, we can‟t       C. Yes, we can      D. No, we can

在think,believe这类词接的宾语从句,否定要提前。而对于否定句的回答,与习惯相反,yes是“不”no 是“是的”B,D结构不正确,首先要排除。而我们看后面的BUT,表示转折,说明回答者的队没有打赢。那么就是we can't. 正确答案是A。翻译为“是的,我们没有赢” 3. ---Have you finished your work yet?

 ---No, not yet. I think it‟ll take _____ ten minutes.

 A. another      B. other      C. others      D. more

another +数词+名词 固定用法,another表示“另外的,再” 根据题目意思,可以判断是需要再花10分钟,所以答案是A。

4.Roymade several kites, but _____ of them can fly high in the sky.  A. neither     B. none      C. all      D. most

neither "两者中任何一个都不"   all "三者或三者以上都"  most"大部分" 根据题目意思,只有none表示“一个都没有”没有确定的数量,不知道是2个还是3个或3个以上。 5. ---Will you be back ____ five in the afternoon?  ---I‟m not sure, maybe later than that. 

 A. in      B. before       C. for      D. until

in 只能接一段时间,before "在...之前"  for 接一段时间,until“直到...."答案为B。 6. ---I‟m sorry to have kept you waiting long.

 ---Never mind. I ____ here for only a few minutes.

A. have been      B. have come      C. have arrived      D. waited


7. ---You seem to like sweets. 

 ---_______ .That‟s probably why I‟m becoming fatter and fatter.

 A. So I do       B. So do I       C. So am I       D. So I am

seem 是连系动词,不能用be动词来回答。So I do 是“的确如此”表示同意对方的观点 so do I “我也一样”答案为A。

8. With the help of the computer, information can ____every corner of the world swiftly. 

A. get   B. reach     C. arrive     D. return

get ,arrive,到达,是不及物动词,get to,arrive at,arrive in 是固定搭配。而reach是及物动词,可以直接接宾语,“到达” return是“返回”与题目意思不符合,答案为B。

 9. The children ______ not to play with the fire.

 A. are often told     B. tell      C. are telling     D. told


10. ---May I go out with you tomorrow?

   ---If your job ______by then.

 A. has been finished   B. finish    C. will be finished  D. will finish


11. ---Will you please show me how to operate the new machine? 

 ---Sure. It‟s a piece of cake. Now let me tell you _____ to do first.  

A. what      B. how      C. whether       D. which

whether是否,which哪一个,与题意不符合,而如果用how,do 后面应该有宾语。how to do it.答案为A,what to do first 首先做什么。

12. ---My trousers are______ . 

  ---I‟ll buy you a new pair.

 A. wore out    B. worn out      C. wearing out      D. sold out

wear out 穿坏,sell out卖完。裤子是被穿坏,而不是主动的,所以是被动语态,答案B。

13. ---What do you think of these two books?

---_____ of them are interesting. And I‟ve read them several times.

A. Both     B. Neither      C. None       D. Either

根据题意,是两本书,both“两者都”neither"两者都不" none"一个也没有" either"两者中任何一个"答案是A。

14. ---The artist has got _____ much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wife with the housework.

  ---That‟s true. Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.

A. too     B. so      C. very        D. such

本题是考so ...that和such ....that的用法。such是修饰名词,但如果名词前有many ,much ,little,few等修饰词,则用so 代替such.答案为B.

15. ---How long ____ you ____a fever?   ---Ever since last night.

A. have, got      B. have, had      C. have, caught      D. did, have


16. ---I think he lives _____No.386 West St. 

  ---Are you sure _____ that? You‟d better make sure.

  A. at, /     B. in, of      C. in, about       D. at, of

live in "居住"后接大地点。live at "居住"后面接具体的地点。be sure of /be sure about 确信,固定用法。表示对什么有把握。答案为D。

17. ---The rain came to a stop the night before. The fields are still full of water.   ---It _____ for nearly a week.

A. has rained    B. had rained    C. would rain      D. was raining 

came to a stop“停止”the night before"前一个晚上"for+一段时间用于完成时,而came 表明是过去时,所以后面用过去完成时。答案为B。

18. ---He seems _____ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?   ---I don‟t think it matters. Maybe he‟s caught a bit of a cold. 

  A. terrible    B. terribly      C. even       D. to be terrible 

seem+形容词  “好像是”ill “病了”用副词修饰。答案为B.  even修饰形容词/副词比较级。

19. ---Would you like ___ some fruit?

  ---No thanks. I don‟t feel like _____ anything now.

  A. to have, to eat      B. having, to eat       C. having, eating     D. to have, eating would you like to do sth.委婉询问对方的意愿“是否想要做什么....”可以排除B.C .而feel like +名词/动名词,表示“觉得好像....” 答案为D。

20. ---This is really a wonderful party with interesting people and great food. ---I‟m glad you are _____. 

A. liking it   B. enjoying yourself     C. at the party     D. are loving 

enjoy yourself "玩得高兴" 表示感情的love,like 一般不用于进行时。C与题意不符合。答案是B。

21. ---You‟ve dropped _____ “s‟‟ in the word “acros‟‟

  ---Oh, ____ letter “s‟‟ should be doubled like this “across‟‟. 

 A. a, a   B. an, a      C. a, the     D. an, the 

本题考查冠词的用法。表示泛指时用不定冠词,a 用在辅音发音字母之前,an用在元音发音字母之前。s的读音为/es/,为元音发音。应用“an”,后面表特指,上面出现的,应用"the",答案为D.

22. ---The pen writes well though it doesn‟t cost much.

--- Let me have a try. So _____.

A. it is   B. it does     C. does it     D. is it 


23. ---The smell in the room is really terrible.

  ---You said it. Let‟s keep all the windows _____ .

  A. closed    B. open     C. opening      D. to open

keep+宾语+形容词 "使...保持某状态"  keep+宾语+动词ing形式,也表示“使...保持某状态”但是宾语是后面动词的发出者,如:keep you waiting  ,根据题意,房间里味道不好,要把窗户打开,而不是关上。答案是B。

24. ---____ the Internet _____ in your school?

  ---Yes, but the computer in our office has often broken down.

  A. Is, used     B. Is, using     C. Does, use      D. Has, used


25. ---Do you often get on-line?

---Yes. I ______ most of my time on it .It‟s a good way to kill time.

 A. cost     B. spend       C. pay      D. take

cost 一般物作主语,“花费” spend "花费时间或金钱"  pay 支付(钱) take一般指花费时间。答案为B。

26. ---Did Tom‟s parents go to the meeting yesterday?

---Yes, ____ of them did, but ____ spoke.

A. each, none    B. both, none     C. neither, both      D. both, neither

根据题目意思,是父母两个人去了会议,后面有个but,表示转折,应该是都没有发言,答案为D。Both 两者都,neither两者都没有

27. ---I eat _____ vegetables and ______ meat than I did last year.  

---That‟s why you‟re getting fatter.

  A. fewer, more     B. more, less      C. least, more       D. many, much

第二句话的意思是:这就是你越来越胖的原因。那么可以判断第一句话是跟去年相比,我吃更少的蔬菜,更多的肉。而蔬菜是复数,只能用fewer来修饰表示比较少。less修饰不可数名词表示比较少。more是many 和much的比较级,可以修饰可数和不可数名词。答案为A。

28. ---_____ is the population of the town?

---Over 20,000 .And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory.

A. What, are      B. How many, are        C. What, is       D. How many, is

对人口提问用how large 或what . The population of ....作主语时谓语动词用单数。当主语表示人口的百分之几,几分之几时,谓语动词用复数形式。答案为A。

29. ---I tried to make Kate ______ her mind, but I found it hard.

---Well, I saw you_______ that when I went past.

A. change, do      B. changes, doing     C. to change, do     D. change , doing

make是使役动词,后面接不带to的不定式作宾补。表示“让某人做某事”。接现在分词作宾补,表示:“让某人一直做某事”。see是感官动词,接现在分词做宾补,强调动作正在进行。接不带to的不定式作宾补,强调动作的整个过程或经常发生,已经发生。类似的词有:feel,listen to ,hear,have,let,make,see,notice,observe,watch.look at. 本题的意思是:我试图让凯特改变她的想法,但是我发现很难。-------是的,我经过时看见你正在劝她。答案是D。

30. ---Sorry. I am late.  

---It doesn‟t matter. The meeting ______ for just several minutes

A. has begun     B. has started      C. has been on      D. had been on


31. ---I feel tired and sleepy.

---Why not stop _____?

A. to work   B. to have a rest    C. having a rest   D. to go on with your work

 stop to do sth.表示 停下了去做另外的事。Stop doing sth. 表示  停止做某事。句子的意思是我感觉很累,很想睡。对方肯定是劝她停下手上的事去休息。答案是B。

32. ---Did you notice the boy come in?

---No, I didn‟t because I _______a film.

A. had watched    B. have watched     C. was watching      D. am watching


33. ---Could you tell me _____? I must find him.

---Sorry, I have no idea. But he was here just now.

A. where Tom was        B. where has Tom gone     C. where can I find Tom.   D. where Tom is

本题是考查宾语从句的用法。由what,where,who等疑问词引导的宾语从句要用陈述语气,疑问词+陈述句,而不是疑问词+一般疑问句。Could 此时表示委婉的请求语气,而不是过去时。答案为D。

34. ---Shall I tell Mike about it?

---No, you _____. He‟s already been told.

A. mustn‟t    B. can‟t     C. don‟t      D. needn‟t

mustn‟t 表示“禁止,不许” can‟t “不能”  don‟t”不...” needn‟t  “不必要”根据题目意思,他已经知道了,不存在着禁止,不能的意思。Don‟t也不能回答Shall 引导的一般疑问句,答案为D。

35. ---I‟m ______ in what _____ you. 

---Well, don‟t follow suit. Just do what you like.

A. interesting, interests       B. interested, interests  C. interest, interests      D. interest, interesting

Be interested in 对...感兴趣  人作主语  interesting  令人感兴趣的  物作主语   interest  使人感兴趣  答案为B。

36. ---I‟m too busy_______ to my family often.

---Why not call them instead?

A. writing     B. to write      C. written       D. write

too....to 太....而不能......我太忙而不能经常给我家里人写信。答案为B。

37. ---______ present you‟ve bought for me!

---I‟m glad you like it.

A. How a      B. What a      C. How     D. What


38. ---This is no-smoking zone. Can‟t you see the sign?

---Oh, sorry. I ______ it.

A. haven‟t seen     B. won‟t see    C. don‟t see     D. didn‟t see 

这是不吸烟区,难道你不能看见这个标示吗?   在这个人的提示下,答话人现在肯定看见这个标示了。那么是以前没看见,答案为D。

39. ---Will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States?

---Sure .I‟ll _____ them here to school tomorrow. A. take   B. carry   C. get   D. bring 

本题主要对比take 和bring。take是拿走,bring是拿来。carry是携带,get是得到,答案为D。

40. ---Look at ____ animal. It‟s interesting. 

---Which one do you mean? ____ black one with a long tail? A. an, The    B. an, An      C. the, The      D. the, An 


41. ---What happened to Tom?

---He was crossing the street ____ a motorbike hit him from behind. A. while    B. when       C. until       D. because

While表示“在..时候”时不能与瞬间动词连用。hit是撞,瞬间的动作。when “当....时候”可以与瞬间动词连用。until 直到....because 因为 后面两个与题目意思不符合,答案为B.

42. ---Dad, what‟s the sea like?

 ---Well, it‟s large and full of water. It covers about _____ of the earth.

A. one third   B. three quarter    C. three-fourth    D. three quarters

我们知道海占了地球的大部分。A 是三分之一,与题目不符合。Quarter是四分之一,在分子大于一时,分母序数词要用复数,答案为D。

43. ---Go and ask the waiter how much_____.

---Don‟t worry. It has been _____.

A. does the meal cost, paid for        B. the meal costs, paid 

C. the meal spends, paid           D. the meal costs, paid for

首先宾语从句用陈述句语序,A可以排除。cost表示某物花多少钱,spend 花费时间或金钱,一般人做主语。pay 付多少钱,pay for 为....支付了多少钱。答案是B。

44. ---Does the child need any help?(  C   )

---No. He is old enough to _____ himself.

A. put on     B. wear      C. dress      D. take care

put on 强调穿的动作,wear 强调穿着的状态,dress后面接人做主语,dress sb.给某人穿衣,dress oneself给自己穿衣,take care of 照顾。答案为C。45. ---There can be no life on the earth without water.

 ---That‟s right. Water _____ everywhere.

A. needs     B. is needing      C. is needed       D. needed

本题是没水就没有生命,水在任何地方都被需要,被动语态,答案为C。46. ---Were you late ____the meeting?

 ---No, I arrived there ten minutes______ the meeting started.

A. for, before     B. at, before      C. for, till      D. at, after

Be late for 固定用法 “迟到” 为什么你开会迟到? ---不,我在开会前十分钟到的。答案为A。Till 直到  after ...之后   before  ...之前。

47. ---Excuse me, but I don‟t think you can take photos here.

---Sorry I ____ this is no-photo zone.

A. don‟t know      B. didn‟t know     C. have no idea       D. haven‟t known

根据题目意思可看出对方是以前不知道这里是不允许照相的区域,用过去时,答案为B。48. ---How many English words had you learned _____ the end of last term?

---Around 2000, but I‟ve forgotten most of them. A. by    B. at   C. to     D. on

By the end of 到....为止   如果后面接将来时间,主句用将来时,如果后面是现在时间,主句用现在完成时,如果是过去时间,主句用过去完成时。At the end of “在...尽头”后面接时间时,一般用过去时或将来时。答案为A。

49. ---Are you learning art now during your spare time? 

---No. I‟ve stopped _____ Chinese medicine instead.

A. to learn      B. learning      C. learn       D. studying 你现在在空闲时间学习艺术吗?---不,我已经停止了,在学中医。stop to do 和stop doing分别表示“停下来去做某事”和“停止做某事”答案为A。

50. ---What did you ____ just now?

---I _____ you if you could follow me.

A. say, said      B. speak, asked      C. speak, said       D. say, asked

你刚在说什么?我问你你是否能跟我来。Say 及物动词,强调说话的内容。speak一般表示说某种语言。强调说的动作。ask询问,打听,请求。答案是D。

52. ---Do you like ____ a teacher? 

--- Sure. But my parents ____ me to be a doctor when I was a young girl.

 A. to be, hoped     B. being, hoped      C. being, wished      D. to be, wish

like后面可以接doing 或to do,但是hope不能直接接名词/代词作宾语,所以排除AB。 题目的意思是你喜欢做老师吗?---是的,但是在我小时候我父母希望我成为医生。主谓一致,应该用过去时。答案为C。

hope/wish to do sth.  想,希望做什么事

hope/wish +that从句   wish 表示不太可能实现的事,从句用虚拟语气。 wish sb to do sth  希望某人去做某事

53. ---Mom, I‟ve got a fever.

  ---So_____. How did you catch it?

A. have you      B. you have       C. have I       D. did I

前面的助动词是have,后面回答也用have。So have you 表示你也是这样,与题意不符合,so you have 的确如此。答案是B。 So have I 我也是这样-也与题意不符合。

54. ---Something must be done to stop the farmers cutting down the forests.

---I agree with you .If we ____, a lot more good land will be gone with them. A. won‟t      B. aren‟t       C. don‟t        D. mustn‟t

条件从句中,要用现在时代替将来时。A可以排除。B 表示状态,D 表示禁止,与题意不符合,答案为C。

55. ---Did you _____ the first place of the league match?

---Of course we did. We _____ all the other teams.

A. beat, beat      B. beat, won       C. win, won      D. win, beat.


 beat也有“赢”、“取胜”、“战胜”之意。但跟win的用法不同,这个动词后面跟的是比赛、竞争中的对手或战争中的敌人。 答案为D。

56. ---Why not borrow some money from your friends? 

---But I know _____ of the people here except you.

A. either       B. none       C. all       D. no one

either  两者中任何一个   all 全部,所有  与题意不符合。no one后面不能接of结构,答案为B。

57. ---What he enjoys _____ great and interesting.   ---Yes,____ it‟s dangerous.

A.sounds,but       B.to sound,but     C.sounds,so      D.to sound,so

从句作主语时谓语动词用单数。great and interesting到dangerous有变化,转折用but,答案为A。

58. ---What are you going to do tomorrow?

---I‟m not sure. I____ make a trip toHangzhouwith my girl friend.  A. may       B. maybe      C. will      D. must


59. --- Did you finish _____ the book?

  ---Yes, I did. Thanks ____ your dictionary, I had a better understanding of it.   A. reading, for    B. reading, to      C. to read, for       D. to read, to 

Finish doing sth.完成做什么事  finish 不能接动词不定式  thanks for +名词或动名词 表示“感谢” 答案是A。

60. ---How ____ is it from hereNingboto Xi‟an?   ---It‟s about two ____ flight.

  A. long, hour‟s     B. far, hour‟s      C. long, hours‟     D. far, hours‟

from Ningbo to xi‟an 从宁波到西安指距离,对距离提问用how far  两个小时的航程 two hours‟  答案为D。

61. ---Why did you come back so late today?

  ---Because it   heavily when the meeting was over. We had to wait until it came to a stop.   A. was raining    B. is raining      C. rained          D. rains 整个时态为过去时,当会议结束时正在下雨,用过去进行时,答案为A。

62. ---Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week?

---Sure. But what subject should I _____?

  A. talk   B. talk about   C. talk with   D. talk to 

谈论什么主题用talk about 答案为B。talk with 和谁交谈 两方都有说    talk to 对谁说话 侧重于一方讲,一方听  答案为B。

63. ---People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names, do they?   ---   , they only use them before their family names.

  A. Yes, they don‟t    B. Yes, they do    C. No, they don‟t   D. No, they do  第一句话中有never表示否定,从不。回答人说道:他们只在姓前用,表示同意对方的观点,用No,表示是的。答案为C。是的,他们没有。A.D结构不对。B在这里表示 不,他们用了。

64. ---Are your parents living with you inChina?

  ---Yes. They    here with my family.

  A. are all   B. are both    C. all are   D. both are

父母是两个人,用both  both/all 放在行为动词前,be 动词后面 答案为B。

65. ---May I go out and play this afternoon?  ---No, you _____. Work comes first

  A. needn‟t    B. mustn‟t    C. won‟t    D. don‟t  第一句话是表示请求,其否定回答,用mustn‟t 答案为B。

66. ---What happened to him?

  ---Oh, he    off his bike and    his legs.

  A. falls, hurts   B. fell, hurt   C. felt, hurt   D. fell, breaks 发生的事情已经过去,用过去时。hurt指精神上或肉体上伤害  break强调打碎  答案为B。

67. ---Would you like some tea, please?    ---Yes, I prefer tea    sugar. 

  A. to    B. for     C. with    D. than 带糖的茶   tea with sugar  答案为C。

68. ---Would you please    make the child   any more?

  ---Well, I just wanted him not to play with the chalk.

  A. don‟t, cry   B. not, to cry   C. don‟t, to cry   D. not, cry  Would you please+动词原形  否定形式为 would you please not +动词原形 make sb.do sth  让某人做某事   不能加to。答案为D。

69. ---What    useful book !

  ---Yes, it is. But I find it    difficult for me to read.

  A. an, very   B. a, too   C. an, too   D. a, quite

感叹句  what+a/an+形容词+名词单数 useful 是辅音音素开头的,用a修饰  too...to 太....而不能  固定用法  答案为B。

70. ---Maths isn‟t as    as Chinese. 

  ---I agree with you. I think Chinese is    than any other subject.

  A. easy, easier    B. easier, easier   C. easy, easiest   D. hard, the most difficult as...as   同级比较,中间用原形   后面的是两类(中文和其他科目)作比较,用比较级    根据句意,数学没有中文容易。我同意你的看法,我认为中文比其他科目都简单。 答案为A。

71. ---Mum, will you take me to the park tomorrow? ---If it    rainy.

  A. won‟t   B. doesn‟t   C. isn‟t   D. won‟t be

条件从句中用一般现在时代替将来时,排除A.D。rainy是形容词  答案为C。

72. ---Did you stop    hello to Mrs Smith ?

  ---No, I didn‟t see her when she went past.

  A. saying   B. said    C. say   D. to say

stop to do sth  停下来去做某事  stop doing sth.停止做某事 根据题目意思答案为D。 她经过时我没看见,所以我没有停下来去向史密斯夫人问好。

73. ---Why don‟t you go to the lecture-room and listen to the talk?

  ---I hear there isn‟t    in it.

  A. something new   B. new anything   C. anything new   D. nothing new 形容词修饰复合不定代词时放在不定代词后面  否定句用anything代替something 答案为C。

There isn‟t anything new in it= there is nothing new in it.

74. ---I did badly in the long jump.

---   .

  A. Congratulations     B. That‟s great      C. Well done     D. Bad Luck badly说明不好,很差  ABC都有好的意思  答案为D。

75. Miss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and    students to listen to him.   A. other   B. the others   C. others   D. the other Tom 和班上其他同学 强调了范围,  答案为D。

Other泛指  其他的   the others 其他的人或物 不能接名词  others 是other的复数

76. ---Do you know the result of the    race?

---Yes. The winner is a boy    Lin Feng from Class 4.   A. 100-metres, called      B. 100-metre, calling    C. 100-metre, called       D. 100-metres, named

数词+名词+形容词  作定语,中间用连词符号,且中间的名词用单数。这里我们可以看作100-metre-long 省略了long。小孩被叫Lin Feng用被动的形式。答案为C。

77. The weather here is quite different    that of my hometown.   A. from   B. with    C. than    D. as be different from  与....不同 答案为A。

78. My father    me to be a doctor, but my mother doesn’t agree   him.   A. wishes, to   B. wishes, with   C. hopes, with   D. wants, to wish sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事  而hope不能构成不定式的复合宾语。agree with sb.同意某人的意见  agree to do st.同意做某事  答案为B。

79. ---Don‟t play the dangerous game any more. ---Sorry! I    do it again.

  A. can’t    B. don’t     C. won’t    D. mustn’t 表示将来用will,否定形式为C,答案为C。

80. ---English is    difficult subject. I even want to drop it.   ---You’d better not. I’ll help you    it.

  A. quite a, with   B. a quite, with   C. a very, for   D. very a, with

quite 一般放在冠词前面  help sb.with sth.在某事上帮助某人   help sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事  答案为A

81. ---Does the man need    operation at once, Doctor Li?    ---Yes, only   small one. But the sooner, the better.

A  an, a B  a, a C  an, the  D  ×, ×

答案  A   解析需要动一次手术(an operation),只是一个(a)小手术.

82. ---I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible?

  ---Yes. A car fell over and all the people in it were badly hurt. But luckily,   of them         were killed. 

  A. neither   B. none     C. every    D. both 

neither两者都不,句中有all the people说明不止2人,且luckily,说明没有人were killed。答案为B。

83. ---You can hardly swim, can you?

  ---   . But my mother says she’ll teach me during my summer holiday.   A. Yes, I can’t   B. No, I can   C. No, I can’t   D. Yes, I can

A,B结构不对。第一句中有否定词hardly.第二句补充了:我妈妈会教我。说明搭话人的确不会游泳  。C 的意思是:是的,我不会。D的意思是:不,我会。答案为C。

84. ---Do you think there are    new words in this unit ?   ---Yes, that’s right. I’ll    first.

  A. too much, look them up     B. too many, look up them   C. much too, look them up     D. too many, look them up

words 单词  是可数名词 ,用too many 修饰。look up后面接人称代词时需要把代词放在动词和副词中间。答案为D。

85. ---You must    what I have done for you before you leave.    ---Well, how much does it    ? Is 100 dollars enough?

 A. pay for, cost   B. pay, spend     C. spend, pay for   D. pay, cost

为某事支付用pay for.  某事花费多少钱,用cost。spend 一般由人作主语。答案为A。 86. ---Excuse me, where‟s the West Hill Farm, please?

  ---Go    the forest and    the foot of the mountain you will find it .  A. through, at   B. across, at   C. through, under   D. past, under 穿过深林,用through,如果是从物体表面通过,用across.山脚下用at the foot of the mountain 答案为A。

87. ______noisy children! Go and ask them to keep quiet.  A. How   B. What   C. What a   D. How a

children 是复数形式,C.D可排除,此句的中心词是名词,用what修饰,答案为B。

88.The policeman asked him    when the accident happened.

 A. what was he doing   B. what did he do   C. what he was doing   D. what he did 警察询问他在事故发生时他在做什么。后面是宾语从句,用陈述句语序且为过去进行时,答案为C。

89.Mr Green    living inChinathough he was born inLondon.  A. would like   B. wants   C. hates   D. enjoys

尽管Mr Green出生在伦敦,但是他喜欢居住在中国。答案为D。 would like sth. 想要什么        would like to do sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.  想做某事

90. ---Here is a piece of paper for you!

  ---Oh, thanks. It’s    for me to write a long letter on.

 A. big enough   B. enough large    C. small enough   D. enough small

enough 足够的,修饰形容词时放在形容词后面。根据题意,答案为A。足够大才能写。 91.The United States    up its satellite until January 31,1958.

 A. sent   B. didn’t send   C. hasn’t sent   D. wasn’t sent Not....until 直到....才  过去发生的事,用过去时。答案为B。

92. ---When shall we go to see him in the hospital?

  ---Oh, I nearly forget. What about this afternoon as soon as we _____our work?  A. will finish   B. are finished    C. finish    D. are going to as soon as引导的条件状语从句,用一般现在时代替将来时,答案为C。

93. ---You’d better    work too hard like this.

  ---I see. You mean    too hard makes one tired and ill.

 A. not, work  B. don‘t, working   C. don’t, to work   D. not, working You’d better do sth.的否定形式:you’d better not do sth.


94. ---Football    by the British at the beginning of last century.

  ---That’s probably why football is one of   popular games inEngland.  A. was invented, the most      B. invented, more

 C. was invented, more              D. invented, the most         上个世纪初为过去的时间,且足球是被发明,用过去被动时。在英国足球是最受欢迎的运动之一,答案为A。             

95. ---Do you know the city ofNingbowell?

  ---Of course I do. I’ve    here for nearly 3 years.  A. come   B. been   C. arrived    D. got


96. ---Must we move to the next room?

  ---No, you    . You may still live here if you like.

  A. mustn’t   B. don’t   C. don’t have to   D. won’t

对于must引导的一般疑问句的否定回答用don’t have to 或needn’t.答案为C。

97.I find    interesting to play games with children.   A. that    B. how    C. what    D. it It 作形式宾语。答案为D。find it +形容词+to do sth.

98.    are useful animals.

  A. Cow    B. Pig     C. Panda    D. Sheep

are 说明主语用复数,里面只有sheep单复数同形。其他都是单数形式。答案为D。

99.Be careful when    the street.

  A. to cross     B. cross     C. you cross    D. you’ll cross


100.Take your time,   you’ll make another mistake.   A. then  B. and   C. if   D. or 祈使句+and  如果....就 祈使句+or  ....否则根据题目意思别着急,否则你还会犯错误。表示了转折  答案为D。

101.Granny looked for her book, but she couldn‟t find it _____.       

A. somewhere    B. everywhere    C. anywhere     D. Nowhere

anywhere 任何地方,用于疑问句和否定句。 somewhere某些地方,用于肯定句。

everywhere 每个地方 用在否定句中是不完全否定,如果放在上面句子中,意思是:她不能在每个地方都找到它。nowhere 任何地方都没有 (   C )

102.-When did you ______the book to the library?    -Yesterday afternoon. 

A. borrow     B. lend      C. give     D. Return

根据题目意思,应该是问什么时候把书还回给图书馆。borrow  借入  lend 借出  give 给 (  D  )

103.The man took away the dictionary but did not ______.  

A. pay it      B. pay for it   C. cost it     D. spend it

pay for ...为...支付钱,付款 cost 物作主语,花费spend人做主语,花费时间或金钱 (B)

104. English teachers often encourage the students _______ English aloud. 

A. read     B. reading    C. to read     D. readed

鼓励某人做某事  encourage sb.to do sth. (C  )

105.- ______he ever ______abroad ?  -No, never. 

A. Did, go    B. Is, been    C. Has, been    D. Has, gone

他曾经去过国外吗? ---不,没有。


have been to 曾经去过,现在回来了。have gone to 已经去了,现在还没回来。 ( C )

106. How long may I ______ the history books?  

A. keep     B. lend     C. borrow    D. Return

keep 保留  lend  借出  borrow借入  return 返还   除了keep,其他三个都是都是瞬间动词 不可以和延续性的时间状语连用  how long 说明是一段时间 (A )

107. She______ an English teacher. 

A. uses to   B. used to     C. use to be    D. used to be

used to be 过去是  used to do sth.过去常做某事  她过去曾是一个英语老师。(D ) (    )108. One day the librarian ______ an idea. 

A. came up     B. came with     C. came up with D. came up to

come up with 想出办法,建议,答案。come up 走过来   题目意思为 图书管理员想出了一个办法。C

(   )109. Now her lost books are usually______ the library.   A .returned     B .returned to    C. paid    D. paid to pay 指支付钱,而不是书。书没法被支付。  return to  归还   她丢失的书通常能被还回图书馆B

(  )110. My hobby is ______all kinds of coins.

  A. to collect    B. collecting    C. to pick up    D. picking up

动词不定式作表语。collect是收藏  pick up  捡起  如果选B,意思为正在收藏各种钱币。A

(  )111. Can you ______who has lost the watch?

   A. look for    B. look up   C. find    D. find out

look for 寻找,look up 查阅  find 找到(带有偶然性) find out 指通过各种办法弄明白真相,找出  D

()112. My postcard is still on the desk. Why ______you ______it ?

   A. haven't , posted B. didn't, post    C. wasn't posting D. won't, post

强调:你为什么还没有寄出去。对现在的影响是我的明信片还在桌上。所以应该是现在完成时态。  A

()113. The man ____France will give us a talk ____his country.    A. from, on      B. of, in     C. of, about     D. from, of from 来自.... of一般是用于所有格  on和about在这里都可以,这个来自法国的男人将给我们做个关于他的国家的演讲  A 

(  )114. He is too old to ______the name of that book.   A. pick up     B. think of    C. come up   D. fill in pick up 捡起  think of 想起  come up  过来  fill in 填写B 

(  )115. Someone is knocking at the door. It ____my mother. It's time for her to be back.   A. can be      B. may not be    C. must be    D. mustn’t be

can 表示推测是用于否定句中,表示否定猜测 “不可能”  根据题意,是妈妈回来的时候了,表示肯定猜测,用must  C  

(  )116. I don‟t know where Mr. White has gone. You‟d better ask ____.

  A. else somebody    B. other somebody   C. somebody else     D. anybody else 形容词修饰不定代词时放在不定代词后面someboday用于肯定句,anybody用于否定句。C (  )117. When he saw a ticket on the ground, he stopped ____.    

A. to pick it up   B. pick it up   C. to pick up it    D. pick up it

他停下来把票捡起来  用stop to do sth.  动词+副词后面接人称代词作宾语时,要把人称代词放在动词和副词中间。A

(  )118. He says that he will ______to me in three days.

A. return the money B. return back the moneyC. get the money back  D. pay back the money

return 还(通常是借的东西再还给别人,东西没变)且return就有返还的意思,不用在后面加back。

pay back the money  还钱   get back  取回D 

(  )119. Father ______the city ofNew Yorkthree days ago.       A. leave    B. left to      C. left off     D. left for

leave for 出发前往     leave to 留...给某人   leave  off 停止做... D

(  )120. Tom ______ there for 10 months since he ______ back to his hometown.

  A. has lived, gets   B. has lived, got   C. lived, go   D. lived, has got


(  )121. ______ is one of the water sports.  

 A. Water-ski  B. Water-skiing  C. Water-sking  D. Watering-skiing Water-skiing 复合名词  滑水  Water-ski ,不是名词形式不可以作主语 Water-sking ,ski作为动名词要直接在ski后面加ing B

(  )122. The film is very ___. Tom is very ____.

A. exciting, excited  B. excited, exciting   C. exciting, exciting  D. excited, excited exciting 令人兴奋的  指物         excited 兴奋的 指人A

(  )123. ____the weather will be like tomorrow, we „l l go surfing.

 A. No matter how  B. No matter what's   C. No matter what  D. No matter if 不管明天的天气怎样,我们都会去冲浪。

问天气有两种说法:what‟s the weather like?  How is the weather?  C

 (  )124. The river near our village is about ____long.

A. three-hundreds-metres B. three-hundred-metre C. three-hundred-metres D. three hundred metres

数词+名词 构成名词性短语 中间用-连词符号,名词用单数形式,用作定语,修饰名词,后面一定要接名词。而题目中long是形容词,AC表达方式本来就不对。B 后面接名词 答案为D。hundred前面如果有数词,hundred不能用复数形式。D

(  )125. He has not had a night ____for two weeks, but he still feels ____. A. off, happy  B. away, hapily  C. off, happily  D. away, happy

 他已经两周没有休息,但他仍然感觉很快乐。feel是连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。 have a day off  休息一天  放假一天    have a night off  休息一晚A  

(  )126. It makes him ____. 

A. feel angrily  B. feel angry  C. to feel angry  D. feeling angry

make sb.do sth. 让某人做某事  这使他感觉得很生气。 连系动词feel后接形容词作表语。B 

(  )127. It's ____good food that we all like it very much.  A. so a  B. such a  C. so  D. Such

food是不可数名词 AB可以排除。so修饰形容词或副词,这里中心词是food为名词。 So+形容词/副词+that


但是如果名词前有many ,much ,little,few等修饰词,则用so 代替such. D

(    )128. When you ____the street, you must look first.   A. across  B. go cross  C. cross  D. goes across

过街,过河,过桥 都用动词cross或go across 但是you是第2人称,不能用goes. C

(  )29. Look! Mrs. Green is talking ____the students of Class I on the ground.   A. among  B. in the middle of  C. between  D. At in the middle 强调位置关系。“在...中间”不强调几者之间。两者可以不是同类关系。如人在池子的中央。

among 两者多为同类,有one of ...的意思    B 

(  )130. Her teacher thinks ____of her.  A. high  B. highly  C. well  D. Good

她的老师对她的评价很高。用副词highly修饰动词think. B

(  )131. Lei Feng is the ____of all the people inChina.  A. pride  B. proud  C. prideful  D. Proudly

pride 名词 骄傲  proud 形容词 骄傲的  prideful 自傲的,proudly骄傲地 雷锋是中国人的骄傲。A

(    )132.---Have you finished your homework_____? ---No, not_____. A.already, already  B.yet, yet   C.already, yet  D.yet, already already用于肯定句中,yet用于否定句和疑问句中。B

(  )133. Neither you or he ______Hawaiibefore. 

A. has gone to  B. have gone to   C. have been to  D. has been to neither...or  既不...也不,谓语动词和最临近的主语保持一致。 have been to 曾经去过   have gone to 已经去了D

(  )134.Xi'anis very famous ______Terra Cotta Warriors. 

A. to  B. of  C. in  D. For be famous for 因...而出名D 

(  )135. Bruce has lived here ______last year.  A. /  B. for  C. before  D. Since

since “至从”用于完成时中,一般接一段时间+ago 或接一个过去的时间点。这里last year属于过去的时间点。for 接一段时间。 before 用在现在完成时,通常放在句末。I have never been toBeijingbefore. D

(  )136. Waikiki is one of the best beaches ______ surfing inHonolulu.  A. to  B. for  C. with  D. In

在火奴鲁鲁,怀基基海滩是最好的用来冲浪运动的海滩之一。for 表示“用来.....” B (    )137. I've never ______ him before.

A. heard of  B. hear from  C. heard to  D. hear of

完成时中动词用过去分词,BD可排除。hear of 听说过。hear from 收到...来信A

(  )138. They were very proud______ their daughter. A. for  B. of  C. with  D. About

be proud of为...骄傲  take pride in 为...骄傲   B

(  )139. Then he slowed ______ as the wind became stronger and the waves higher.   A. under  B. below  C .down  D .slowly 放慢速度 slow down C

(  )140. All of us except him _______ toBeijing.    A. have gone  B. has gone  C. have been  D. has been

除了他我们都去过北京. 如果选择have gone to,表示除了他,我们都去了北京(还没回来),那么就不存在着我们在这里来告诉别人去北京的事了。也得回来了再告诉别人。 All of us 大家 作主语用复数C

(  )141.How long has Jim ____ at this school?  A. arrived  B. come  C. studied  D. Gone

how long多少时间,不能与瞬间动词arrive,come,go连用  C

(   )142. The little girl is afraid of ____ at night.  A. go  B. goes  C. going  D. Went


(  )143. As soon as he ____, he will write to me.   A. arrives at B. arrives C. reaches D. Gets A和C后面都要接宾语,D为得到。 他一到达,他就会给我写信。B

(   )144. The teacher is ____ with what we did.   A. pleased  B. please  C. pleasure  D. Pleasant be pleased with   对...满意

pleasant 是指“愉快的”, please动词,“使高兴;使喜欢;取悦” pleasure名词,快乐, 愉快, 满意A

(    )145. ____ will he be back? In a week. 

A. How long  B. How soon  C. How often  D. How many How long “多长时间”答语一般用for/about+一段时间 How soon “多久以后” 答语常用in +一段时间 How often “多久一次” 答语常用次数+时间 How many+复数可数名词“多少”

How much+不可数名词“多少”或对价格提问B

(  )146. I have to do my homework for ______ every day.

A. one and half hour  B. one and a half hour C. one and half hours D. one and a half hours 一个半小时:one and a half hours 或者one hour and a half   D

(  )147. Who draw ______ Jack?   

A. so well as  B. as well as  C. so better than  D. as good as as...as  同级比较  draw为动词,用副词well 修饰 so well as 只能用于否定  not so well as  不和...一样好B

(  )148. The girl had a short rest and did her homework ______ she reached home.  A. after  B. before  C. when  D. Since

此处的had不是过去完成时,而是has的过去时。after...之后 ,before...之前,when 当...时候 表示两个事情同时发生。B.D与句意不符合。如果用after,后面的句子用过去完成时。C 

(  )149. We have known each other ______ we were young.  A. for  B. since  C. after  D. Before

since+过去时从句  从我们年轻时我们就认识彼此了。 for+一段时间  B

(  )150. They ______ very busy last month.  A. are  B. were  C. be  D. have been 从last month可以看出,句子用过去时。B

(  )151. There ______ a park near our school since two years ago.   A. is  B. was  C. has been  D. will be    C 

since+一段时间+ago,since+过去时间点,since+过去时从句 主句用现在完成时。 (  )52. Lucy is very free. Look, she ______ a model ship.    A. makes  B. made  C. has made  D. is making 从look可以看出,这个句子用现在进行时。  D 

(   )153. Many students in our class ______ glasses over their eyes in class.    A. put on  B. dress  C. wear  D. get dressed    C

我们班级很多同学戴着眼镜。表示状态 用wear 穿着,戴着

put on 表示穿的动作,dress 后面接人做宾语 dress oneself。  get dressed 穿好

(  )154. What do you think we should ________ improve our environment?    A. do  B. to  C. do for  D. do to Do you think省略掉,这个句子完整就是:what should we do to improve our environment? 加了do you think后面的宾语用陈述句语序。

What do you think we should do to improve our enviroment?  不定式作目的状语。D

(  )155. They've found a way to ______ that waste thing.   A. do  B. do with  C. throw  D. move away

do with 利用,处理 throw 扔  move away 搬走,移开


(  )156. We find the book very ______.  

A. interest  B. interesting   C. interests  D. Interested

interesting 令人感兴趣的  be interested in 对...感兴趣  interest 使感兴趣  B 

(  )157. She has _____ finished her lunch, but she hasn't washed her bowls ______. 

  A. already, yet      B. just, already    C. already, just       D. just, yet 

完成时中already 用于肯定句,yet用于否定句和疑问句A

(  )158. Uncle Wang has been here ______ ten years ago.  

A. for  B. since  C. in  D. at 

since+一段时间+ago 至从多少时间以前  用于现在完成时   B

(  )159. They went toLondon______ just over five months.   A. for B. since  C. before  D. when

他们去伦敦刚超过五个月,since+时间段+ago ,before+时间点或从句,when +从句A (   )160. The weather was ______ it is today.      

A. not as wetter as  B. not wetter than  C. more wetter than  D. wetter as

as...as 同级比较,中间用形容词或副词原形  more用于多音节或少数双音节词前表示比较

D应该是wetter than     B

(   )161. The little boy was ________with the big boy because he was ____words to him. 

A. fond, speaking    B. angry, saying   C. angry, talking     D. friendly, telling

be fond of  喜欢,爱好  be friend to 对...友好   be angry with对..生气 say …… to sb.对某人说……

那个小孩很生大男孩的气,因为大男孩冲着他说脏话。 speak 讲 强调动作  talk 谈论 tell讲述B 

(  )162. Lucy, please don't play with fire.  __________. 

A. How can you say like that?      B. It's right. 

C. It doesn't matter.   D. Sorry, I won't do it again.


(  )163. We don't know If it _____. If it_____, we won' t go out for a walk. 

A. rains, will rain,    B. rains, rains   C. will rain, will rain  D. will rain, rains


(  )164. It's difficult _____your sound because the noise is too high. A. to listen    B. to know      C. to learn          D. to hear It’s +形容词 +to do sth.  做...事怎么样

因为噪音太大,很难听到你的声音。表示听到用hear ,listen 表示听的动作。BC与题意不符合。D 

(  )165. He says ____he will be back soon.

A. when       B. what     C. that             D. Where that 引导的宾语从句,that 不充当什么成分,常可省略。C

(  )166. He told a very ____story about his life inAmerica.    A. live        B. living        C. lively         D. life lively 生动的,真实的C

(  )167. If you don't get up early, you' II ____the bus.    A. not miss     B. miss         C. catch         D. lost 如果你不早起,你会错过公交车。miss错过B

(   )168. How long ____it ___to go there by train?  B

A. do, take   B. does, take   C. does, spend    D. does, play

It takes sb.+一段时间+to do sth. 花费某人多少时间做某事

(  )169. A young man practised ______ English with Mr Green.  A. speak   B. speaking    C. to speak     D. speak in

practise 只能接动名词(不接动词不定式)作宾语。类似的词有:enjoy,avoid,keep,mind等B

(  )170. She says she can get to Tian‟anmen from Wangfujing by bike_____ ten minutes.    A. after      B. in   C. before  D. about

after +时间段 一般用于过去时。 before+时间点  about大约, in+时间段   她说她十分钟后能从王府井到达天安门。B

(  )171. We should help her when she is ________. 

 A. in trouble  B. in a trouble  C. in the trouble        D. in troubles be in trouble 处于麻烦中 trouble 不可数名词 problem 可数A 

(  )172. The policeman kept the thief ________ for four hours.    A. standing     B. to stand     C. to sit     D. siting keep sb. doign sth.  让某人一直做某事A 

(  )173. I want to visitEngland______.  

A. if it possible    B. as soon possible  C. as soon as possible D. if possible

as soon as possible意为"尽可能快"

if possible是if (it is) possible的省略,如果可能....。主句一般用一般将来时  我想尽快去参观英国。C

(  )174. They ______Hong Kong twice.  

A. have gone to    B. have been to   C. have been in          D. have gone in 他们去过香港两次。B 

(  )175. I have never seen _____film before. 

A.a so interesting    B.a such interesting    C.so a interesting     D. such an interesting


such+a/an+形容词+可数名词复数+that D

(  )176. Everyone went to the zoo last Sunday ______Jim. 

  A. but         B. not         C. except      D. Besides 上周日除了Jim所有人都去了动物园

except  除...之外 从整体中剔出一部分,常与all,everyone,everything等连用。 besides 除...之外还..... C 

(  )177. What ______just now? 

  A. was happened      B. were happened   C. happened           D. Happens happen没有被动语态,AB可排除。just now刚才,表明已经发生,是过去发生的事,用过去时。C 

(  )178. If you miss so many lessons, you must fall behind ____ classmates.    A.another     B.the others    C.other     D.the other another 另一个  the others其他的(人或物),后面不接名词等。other 泛指其他的,此句有个范围,“你和你的同学”,表示特指的同学,用定冠词the   D 

(   )179. ______ did Lin Tao say aboutMountEmei? 

  A. What     B. How           C. When      D. Why

只有what可做say 的宾语。  关于峨眉山Lin Tao说了些什么?A 

(   )180. I’m afraid ______ you may be late.   A. when    B. that    C. why   D. how

be+形容词(afraid,sure,certain,glad,pleased,happy,sorry等)+宾语从句,that可省略。B (    )181. I ______ able to sing any song but this one.    A. may      B. can     C. am      D. would be able to 能    C

(  )182. Everybody is here _______ Jim Green.   A. as      B. with      C. on      D. Except 可参考76题。  D

(   )183. Which of these do you think is ____ useful invention? A.the more     B.the second more    C.most    D.the second most 你认为哪一个是第二有用的发明?

比较级前一般不用the。除非确定限制范围表明是特指,是两者之一的。发明明显不只有2个。可以排除AB.而最高级前面要用the。  D

(  )184. Do you know where ______ from?  

A. he come      B. he comes     C. did he come     D. does he came 宾语从句用陈述句语序,he为第三人称单数。   B 

(  )185. Our teacher saw us ______ on the desks and went out of the classroom.  A. to sit      B. sat      C. siting      D. sitting see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。 see sb. do sth.看见某人做过某事。 sit 现在分词形式为sitting.     D

(  )186. I______ maths and science. 

A. interest      B.  am interesting    C. am interested    D. am interested in be interested in (doing) sth.:指人 对(做)„„感兴趣         D 

(   )187. Linda will look after the children _____ we’re away.   A. that       B. during      C. while       D. Where during是介词,后只能跟名词 

而we’re away.是个句子,所以用when或while      C

(   )188. David was born _____.

A.since twenty years ago B.for twenty years   C.twenty years ago    D.just over twenty years born是瞬间动词,不与一段时间连用。C 

(  )189.Mike _____ his homework three hours ago.  

  A. finished      B. has finished      C. is finishing    D. is going to finish three hours ago 说明是过去时。A

(  )190.--____ have you been at this factory?  --I've been here since 1993.  

A.When     B.How long   C.What time   D.How often

when 对时间提问,how long“多长时间” what time对具体的时间点提问 how often“多久一次”用来询问动作发生的频率B 

(    )191.Allan cut the big birthday cake _____ small pieces.  

 A. as         B. to        C. into       D. in

cut....into 把...切成    cut in 插嘴,干涉   cut to 削减至    C

(  )192.When he was a child, he was always _______ out new ideas. 

A. try        B. trying      C. taking     D. Tried

 他小时候就常常试验一些新的设想。用进行时态含有表扬,赞赏的感情 try out   试验, 考验, 提炼  B 

(    )193Were you born ______May 21,1974?  A. in       B. on       C. from       D. At 1974年5月21是指具体的一天,用介词on。B

(  )194.It’s very kind ____ you  _____lend your bike to me.   A. of, to     B.  for, in     C. for, to    D. of, in kind在这里指人的品质,用of sb..  It’s +形容词+of sb./for sb. to do sth.

当形容词是指事情的性质特征时,用for sb.    A 

(   )195.I have two pens. One is red, ________ is black.  A. other     B. another     C. the other     D. the others 两支,一支是红色,另一支是黑色。one...the other    C

(   )196.“ ______ do you write to your parents ?”“ Once a month.” A. How long    B. How much    C. How far     D. How often Once a month 每个月一次,表示频率,对频率提问用how often     D

(  )197.He asked who was _______ in your class.  

A. the oldest     B. oldest       C. older       D. the older

他问班上谁最大。班上肯定是多人,不可能是2人。最高级前要加the     A 

(  )198.The teacher told us ______ Exercise 1 in our exercise books.    A. do      B. to do      C. doing      D. Does tell sb.to do sth. 让某人做某事    B 

(  )199.I found _____ very difficult to learn maths well.  

 A. what     B. it  C. that     D. this

find it +形容词+to do sth. it 是形式宾语,动词不定式是真正的宾语,形容词作宾语补足语    B

(  )200.I' m ______ to trouble you.  

A. glad      B. afraid      C. fear      D. sorry be sorry to do sth.做某事感道抱歉 be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事be glad to do sth.很高兴做某事 be fear to do sth.害怕做某事D

201. It‟s very warm-hearted  ______ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup. A. for, of  B. of, for  C. of, to  D. to, for

warm-hearted指人的特征,用of.   the ticket to sth.类似的有:the answer to the question 答案为C。

202. How many teachers are there in your school?

 ______, I think. But I don‟t know the exact number.

A. hundred  B. Hundreds  C. Hundreds of  D. Hundreds or thousands

hundred 的用法:数词+hundred,或者 不确定的数  hundreds of,答案为C。一般要修饰名词,这里可以看作省略了teachers。

203. Will you stay for lunch?

  Sorry, ______. My brother is coming to see me.

  A. I mustn‟t   B. I can‟t   C. I needn‟t   D. I won‟t

can't语气是非常委婉的,有可能的意思  mustn’t 禁止,needn’t 不必要  won’t将不,语气比较生硬,答案为B。

204. When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A. would  B. should  C. had better  D. Might 他每天下班后都会去街角的那家咖啡馆

should表示应该 在过去式里 一般表示应该做某事(但实际却没有做) had better意为最好去做某事,一般是虚拟语气,多用于建议别人怎么做的

might是说可能,语法上没什么问题,但是句末有个every day,逻辑上不太通顺 would表示主观意愿  答案为A。

205.There ______ no hurry, need there?

A. need be  B. need to be  C. doesn‟t  D. Needs


206. ______ the sports meeting might be put off.   Yes, it all depends on the weather.

A. I‟ve been told   B. I‟ve told   C. I‟m told  D. I told


207. Shirley ______ a book aboutChinalast year but I don‟t know whether she has finished it. A. has written  B. wrote  C. had written  D. was writing

last year表明是过去发生的事,用过去时。去年一年这个阶段做的事,用过去进行时。答案为D。

208. We don‟t allow ______ in this room.

A. smoking  B. to smoke  C. people smoking  D. people to smoking

allow doing sth.允许做某事  allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 答案为A

209. I haven‟t got a chair ______. Will you make room for me? A. to sit  B. to sit in  C. for sitting  D. sitting on

sit是不及物动词,AC可排除。因为椅子有扶手,要用 sit in。答案为B。

210. “Are you      from America?” “No, neither of us.” A. each    B. both    C. all    D. Neither neither两者都不,说明是两个人。答案为B。

211. She ______ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. A. looked for  B. looked up  C. looked after  D. looked like

look for 寻找,look up查找,查阅,比如查字典  look after照顾  look like 看起来象 答案为B。

212. Every morning, We are asked ______ taken our temperatures. A. if we have  B. if have we  C. if we had  D. if had we


213. I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exercise

A. the other; other five  B. the other; another five  C. other; five more  D. other; more five

我将再给其他学生五分钟的时间让他们完成练习。 其他学生,有特指,所以第一空填the other (students)。 another 有一种这样的用法:another+数词+名词的复数形式 句中another five minutes它相当于 five more minutes。答案为B。

214. I called you just now, but you weren‟t in. Sorry, I ______ the reading room.

A. was in  B. have gone to  C. studied  D. had been to

have gone to表明去了还没回,studied学习,had been to 曾经去过。答案为A。表明那时的状态。正在阅览室

215. The family ___ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at ___. A. were sitting; Mr Brown  B. were sitting; Mr Brown‟s   C. was sitting; Mr Brown  D. was sitting; Mr Brown‟s

当有人来告诉他们Mr. Brown家出了什么事的时候,全家正坐在餐桌旁吃午餐。 family这里指全体家庭成员的每个人,故谓语动词用复数; 如果句中是what had happened to,后面接Mr Brown.

What had happened +地点/时间  at Mr.Brown’s 表示在布朗先生家里。 答案为B。

216. Have you ______ your father recently?    No. He doesn‟t often write to me.

A. heard about  B. heard of  C. heard from  D. got from

write 写/写信,那么可以推断是在问你是否收到过你爸爸的来信。固定词组:hear from 收到...来信  答案为C。

217. ______did you sleep last night?    I was reading too late to fall asleep.

A. How long   B. Why  C. How soon  D. How

How long “多长时间”  why 为什么 how soon”多久以后”  how 怎么样 你昨晚睡得怎样?----我读书太晚了没睡着  答案为D。

218. Has Jack finished his homework yet?

   I‟ve no idea, But he ______ it the whole afternoon. A. would do  B. was doing  C. did  D. had done


219. He‟s never stolen anything before, ______ he?

  ______. It‟s his third time to be taken to police station. A. hasn‟t; Yes  B. is; Yes  C. has; Yes  D. has; No

他以前从没偷过东西,是不是?   主句有never表否定,后面用肯定形式,A排除,且是助动词has,后面也要用has,B也排除 -----,这是他第3次被带到警察局了。 说明他以前偷过,不同意提问人的观点。 对于问句是否定形式,答句用yes,表示否定“不”(表示不同意提问人的观点),no 表示 肯定“是的”(同意提问人的观点)答案为C。 220. I will spend as much time as I ______ the lesson.

A. can go over  B. can to go over  C. can going over  D. go over as much time as I can 尽可能多的时间

固定词组spend time doing something./spend time on sth.花时间做某事 题意:我将花费尽可能多的时间来温习功课。答案为C。

221. ______ you the truth, she knows nothing about it.

 A. To tell  B. Telling  C. Tell  D. Told

答案 A        to tell the truth为固定结构,意为"说实话"

222.The old man walked in the street, ______. A.followed by his son  B.followed his son  

B.and following his son  D.and followed by his son

这个老人走在街上,被他儿子跟着。答案为A。过去分词形式作状语,表被动。 或:and followed his son 或following his son 表示他跟着他儿子。 

223.Jim‟s family went to visit ______ family last night. A.Miss Sun‟s  B.the Suns‟  C.the White  D.Miss Suns‟ 昨晚Jim一家人去拜访孙小姐一家人

the+姓氏S,表示....夫妇或....一家。后面不要接family C D结构不正确Miss表示单人,后面的姓不能加复数 答案为A。

224.They stopped ______ and ______ out  to play when they ______ the bell ring or rest. A.working;went;heard  B.work;to go;  C.working;go;hearing  D.working;going;heard stop doing sth.停止做某事     答案为A。

当他们听见铃声时,他们停止工作出去玩或休息。 停止和出去是并列的动作,都用过去时。

225.I am going toQingdaoand stay there for a week.

  ______ you are there, would you please buy some books for me? A.If  B.While  C.Since  D.As soon as

你在那儿的时候,请帮我买几本书好吗?用while。 If 表示如果,而对方已经计划好了要去青岛一个星期。 答案为B。

226.That woman has a bag in her right hand.What‟s in her ______ hand? A.another  B.other  C.one  D.The other

人只有两只手,一个...另一个的表示方法是one.....the other,但是hand 前有个her修饰,就不能再加the,答案为B。

227.Could you give me ______ second chance please? A.an  B./  C.the  D.a

序数词前加the,表示第几...。序数词前加a,表示再一,a second再一次,并且说明对方已经给过一次机会。答案为D。

228.Black, ______ father of ______ Tom, lost his new watch.   A./,/  B.the,the  C.the,/  D/,the


229.Do you know Susan‟s address?

Yes. She lives (   ) 201,Dongchang Road,LiaochengCity. A.in  B.at  C.along  D.on

live in 大地点  Live at 小地点,具体的地点  live on 是以...为生,靠...生活的意思 答案为B.

230.What do you think of the report on the UFO?

  Great! Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing ______ the end of the meeting

A.until  B.in  C.on  D.about

until 直到  in 在...里面 on  在...上面  about大约 你对UFO的报告有什么看法?

很好!很多学生对它很感兴趣,他们一直站到会议结束。 答案为A。

231.The book ______ you want is on the desk. Which of the following isn‟t right? A.that  B.which  C./  D.it


232.I‟ll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country. A.which  B.on which  C.when  D,on that 我永远不会忘记我们在乡下一起度过的日子

the days在句中作spend的宾语,所以用which.如果是做时间状语,才用when。花费时间用spend time,时间前不要用介词。答案为A。

233.Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday? A.that  B.which  C.the one  D.who

that book is the one he borrowed on Friday。

如果是表语从句:that 在表语从句中不充当成分,也不能省略。但是这里缺borrow的宾语。which是哪一个的意思,放在句中不通。Who表示谁,不符合。


234.The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing. A.has  B.have  C.there is  D.there are

The number of ...的数量,谓语动词用单数。后面是is


235.The first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here. A.that  B.which  C.to which  D.where

The school是visit的宾语,定语从句的先行词如果有序数词,不定代词,最高级修饰,引导词只能用that。答案为A。

236.I have the same pen ______.

A.which you have  B.as yours  C.that you are  D.as you

same...as   和...一样,比较时,接相同的成分/同类比较。应该是I have the same pen as you have.答案为D,省略了have。也可以说My pen is same as yours.

237.The train ______ she was traveling was five minutes late. A.that  B.on that  C.by which  D.on which

定语从句,that,which都可以做宾语,但是介词提前时,不能用that。The train作travel on的宾语,乘火车旅行用on the train. 答案为D。

238.The teacher said ______ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00, A.those who  B.that  C.who  D.which


who wanted to to go the cinema作定语修饰those.同时those后面这句话为said的宾语,为宾语从句,those在宾语从句中作主语,those must be there before 6:00。答案为A。 239.______ has questions is welcome to ask.

A.Who  B.Anyone  C.Those  D.Anyone who 任何人有问题,欢迎来问。

Anyone作主句的主语,Anyone is welcome。who 引导的句子 who has questions作定语修饰anyone。答案为D。

240.Tom is one of the people who ______ they are now. A.from  B.like  C.with  D.as


Tom is one of the people.后面是who引导的定语从句修饰one of the people。 原句为:Tom is one of the people who are as what they are now. 答案为D。

241.The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.   A.the  B.his  C.some  D.us


242.______ either you or I good at drawing? A.Am  B.Are  C.Is  D.Do


243.The room ______ as a meeting room.

   A.used to being used  B.was used to being used C.used to be used  D.was used to be used

used to be 过去曾经是... used to do 过去常常做....(to 后面接动词原形) 这个房间过去常被用作会议室。用被动语态。 be used to +v-ing 是习惯于,与句意不符

be used to do sth.被用来做...但是D中was used to be used多了一个被动 答案为C。

244.The boy was seen ______ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.  

A.to play  B.play  C.playing  D.played     see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。句中有具体的时间点,表明动作正在进行。答案为C。

245.Last month Miss Han ______ a doctor.

A.married with  B.married to  C.was married with  D.got married to get married to=be maried to 和....结婚  答案为D。

246.It‟s time for Meimei and ______ to thePalaceMuseum.   A.I going  B.I to go  C.me going  D.me to go It’s time for sb. to do sth. 是做...的时间了 答案为D。介词后面用宾格。

247.______ a year does your school have sports meeting? Twice a year.

A.How often  B.How soon  C.How long  D.How many times

Twice a year 一年2次,表示频率,用how often提问,但是句中已有a year,答案为D。How many times a year=how often

248.There are four pairs of socks to ______, but the woman doesn‟t know ______ to buy. A.choose from;which  B.choose from;what  C.choose;which  D.choose;what

four pairs of socks to choose from, 是表示四双中挑出一双或者几双。 有4双袜子供选择,这个妇女不知道买哪一双。答案为A。which 表示在某个范围内选择,而what没有一定的选择范围。 four pairs of socks to choose, 是选四双袜子

249.It is in 1960 ______ Chinese first put out flag onMountQomolangma. A.when  B.that  C.which  D.in which

 是it’s ...that +从句  强调句型  答案为B。

强调句的特点就是把it is    that 去掉后,句子仍是完整的句子

250.The old men who gave away lots of money ______ highly of at yesterday‟s meeting. A.spoke  B.spoken  C.was spoken  D.were spoken 这些捐款的老人们在昨天会议上受到高度评价。

gave说明句子是过去时。老人们被评价,为被动语态,排除AB. men是man的复数,谓语动词也用复数,答案为D。

251.I‟m afraid I won‟t come ______ 7 and 9. I will be at work then. A.until  B.between  C.during  D.for

7点到9点之间,用between.答案为B。until 直到  during 在...期间  for 为....

252.Butter and cheese ______ in price.

A.has gone up  B.is gone up  C.have gone up  D.are gone up

黄油和奶酪的价格已经涨了。用完成时。黄油和奶酪并列主语,用复数,答案为C。 and 连接的名词作主语,指两个人或物时,谓语动词用复数。

253.______ neither you nor he enjoy fast food? A.Do  B.Does  C.Is  D.Are

neither...nor既不...也不.... 谓语动词就近原则。这里是you.并且有动词enjoy.答案为A。 254.In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education. A.has  B.have  C.is  D.are


and 连接两个单数名词,而单数名词前有 each , every ,或 no 修饰的,谓语动词应该用单数形式   答案为A。

255.A man of words and not of deeds ______ a garden full of weed. A. like  B.likes  C.is like  D.are like 是一句谚语!答案为C。

意思是一个光说不做的人犹如一个长满杂草的花园 like 作介词时“像...” 作动词是“喜欢”

256.Would you like some coffee?

  Yes,please. By the way, do you have any milk? I prefer coffee ______ milk. A.from  B.with  C.to  D.for


257.These Germans want to have some ______ for supper, so they decide to catch ______ now. A.fish;many  B.fishes;much  C.fish;much  D.fishes;many fish 当鱼肉讲,是不可数,当鱼的条数讲,是可数名词


258.What do you think of his surfing?   Oh, no one does ______.

A.good  B.well  C.better  D.best 你认为他的冲浪技术怎样啊?”“哦,没有人做得更好(比他)”


259.Aren‟t you tired, Kate?

  ______. I like going shopping.

A.Not at all  B.I‟m so sorry  C.You‟re welcome  D.Yes, of course 难道你不累吗?—————我喜欢逛街。 正是因为喜欢逛街,所以不会觉得累。 Not at all 一点也不  答案为A。

Not at all 也可以用来回答别人的谢谢。

260.Don‟t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.   ______

  A.I don‟t  B.I won‟t  C.I can‟t  D.I haven‟t

明天不要忘记来我的生日聚会。----我不会的。答案为B。 will 表意愿、意志、决心

261.John plays football ______, if not better than David. A.as well  B.as well as  C.so well  D.so well as

约翰踢足球如果不是比大卫踢得更好, 至少也是一样好 “和„一样好”。

as well是副词短语,其义为“也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末 答案为B。

262.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter ______ go and do the oppsite!   A.may  B.can  C.must  D.should

一般在我告诉我女儿怎么去做后,她一定去做相反的事。-对着干。 答案为C。

263.______ Yancheng today is more beautiful now. Mr.Jackson said he would visit it ______ fourth time.

A.The;/  B.The;the  C./;a  D.The;a 

因为这里的“盐城”是特指“现在的盐城”(The Yancheng today),所以可以说 the Yancheng a fourth 再一次,说明以前已经来了3次了,还计划来一次,就是第4次。 答案为D。 264.To tell you the truth, I became a college student at 15.   ______.

A.You must be  B.Thank goodness  C.You don‟t say so  D.It doesn‟t matter You don't say.是表示惊呀,相当于汉语的“真的吗?”答案为C。

265.Excuse me, can you show me ______ to run the machine? A.what  B.if  C.whether  D.where 你能告诉我哪里去run the machine? 

what 什么,if/whether是否,与句意不符合。答案为D。

266.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures ______ a camera. A.as  B.for  C.like  D.of

as 做“象...一样”时,后面接从句.。做“作为....”时,后面接短语。 like“象...一样”后面接短语 答案为C。 手机可以象相机一 样照相。

267.I felt it is right ______ you should know. A.whether  B.and  C.that  D.how

我觉得它是对的 而且 你应该也知道  答案为B。

268.A fool has gained nothing from the time ______, for he ______ nothing.

A.passing;has paid  B.passed;has been paid  C.passing;has been paid  D.passed;has paid 时间流逝,这个傻瓜没有获得任何东西,因为他也并未付出任何东西 他也并未付出任何东西”是主动的,并非“被付出”(be paid),所以排除B、C,而the time passed表示已经流逝的时间。答案为D.

269.This kind of T-shirt is ______.

A.easily worn out  B.easy worn out  C.easy to worn out  D.easily to be worn out T-shirt肯定是被穿坏。排除C.


270.Jim‟s father said to him,“I hope you ______ what I ______ you to buy. A.didn‟t forget,told  B.not to forget,have told  

C.won‟t forget,have told  D.haven‟t forgotton,will tell 我希望你没忘记我要你买的东西。

hope 所希望的一般指将来或现在的事情,不用于指过去的事情,排除A。 hope to do sth. 希望去做...hope不能用于hope sb.to do sth.排除B。 我已经告诉你的,而不是我将告诉你的,排除D。 答案为C。

271.English people ______ use Mr before a man‟s first name. A.never  B.usually  C.often  D.sometimes 在名字前面是不加Mr.答案为A。

never 从不,usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时

272.I enjoy learning English ______ it takes me a lot of time. A.unless  B.though  C.because  D.for


273.I wonder ______ you would like to come to my birthday party. A.that  B.whether  C.that if  D.that whether


274.All the teachers thought _______ of the hard-working student. A.highly  B.many  C.good  D.more

所有老师对学习刻苦的学生评价都很高。答案为A。think 动词,用副词修饰

275.A third of the population of the city _______ their own cars. A,has  B.have  C.had  D.is


276.His bag is nicer than _______ in his calss.

A,any other student  B.the other students‟  C.any other students  D.any student‟s


答案为B。比较的对象也应该一致,书包不能和人比较。AC将书包和人在进行比较。 277.He _______ a good plan which we all argees

A.thought hard  B.thought out  C.thought more of  D.thought about

think hard努力地想 think out 想出  think more of考虑更多 think about 考虑 答案为B.他想出了一个我们都同意的好计划。 78.I think swimming can make me very _______.

278.I think swimming can make me very _______.

A.good  B.health  C.comfortable  D.well

选D,表示身体好,健康用well,而不用good. make后面要接形容词作补语,health是名词。 comfortable   舒适的;安逸的 

279.The buses _______ over 2 thousand people a day.

A.take  B.bring  C.carry  D.sent

take 带走   bring 带来  carry 携带 运送 send 送    这些公交车每天运送2000多个人。答案为C。

280.The coductor kept _______ hot water to us. A.give  B.bring  C.taking  D.giving

keep doing sth. 一直做某事  take 带走 与题意不符合  答案为D。

281.It‟s your turn to be on duty. _______

A.So am I  B.So it is  C.So I am  D.So is it 

是轮到你值日了。的确如此。前面的主语时It,答语要一致  答案为B。

282.The TV needs ———.

A.to repair  B.repaired  C.being repaired  D.to be repaired need to do sth. 需要做...(主动)

need doing sth.=need to be done 需要被做 (被动) 答案为D。

283.They are _______ there.

A.near  B.to near  C.near to  D.nearly 他们快到了。

there,here 可以做表语 如I’m here.

nearly 副词,修饰there  几乎,差不多    答案为D。  

near 在...附近,near to 靠近,接近  +名词   be to 将要做....后面接动词原形

284.The boy said he wouln‟t eat _______.

A.any longer  B.no longer  C.any  more  D,no more

not any more =no more 不再  not any longer=no longer  不再

但是no more 强调程度和数量  no longer侧重时间 He doesn’t live here any longer. 答案为C。

285.Nobaby noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to _______. A.put out  B.turn out C.give out  D.go out

put out 扑灭 turn out 制造;关灯;结果是;出席(某项活动) give out  用完,耗尽,精疲力竭  go out 熄灭


286.The days are short, _______ it is now December. A.because  B.for  C.goes  D.want 因为现在是12月,所以白天很短

because表示必然的因果关系;for是对前面所说的事实进行补充说明 答案为B。

287.The education inChinahas developed _______ these days. A.quick  B.high  C.highly  D.wildly

A 是形容词,不能修饰develop. B表示的是具体的高度,C是抽象的高度,当然在这里是表示抽象的高度,即“中国的教育最近已经高度发展”  答案为C。

D 与句意不符合。wildly,野生地, 野蛮地,混乱地

288.Will you ------me a story?

  OK.Shall I _______ it in English or in Chinese? A.tell,tell  B.speak,tell  C.tell,speak  D.tell,say 讲故事 tell a story  答案为A。

289.The lady is always _______ in white at the party. A.wearing  B.dressing  C.worn  D.dressed] be dressed in 穿着  答案为D。

290.They _______ 3000 English words by the end of next month. A.learned  B.had learned  C.will learn  D.have learned next month 下个月,将来时 答案为C。

291.Mr.Black, some boys are going to fight.   You‟d better _______ the police.

A.send for  B.send to  C.look for  D.look over

send for 派人去叫  send to 送去  look for 寻找  look over 查看,检查 你最好赶紧去找警察  答案为C。

92.Many (  ) trees must be planted every year.

A. thousand  B.thousand of  C.thousands of  D.thousand

thousand千,修饰名词,前面要有数词,thousands of成千上万的   答案为C。

293.The post office is not far from here. It‟s only ten (  ) by bike. A. minute  B.minutes  C.minute‟s  D.minutes‟

邮局离这不远,骑车只要10分钟 。答案为B。或者是It’s only ten minutes’ ride.

294.She doesn‟t know the school, but it‟s (  ) to be quite a good one. A. told  B.spoken  C.talked  D.said It’s said to ...据说


295.You must leave here now (  ) your mother can get some more rest. A. became  B.though  C.so that  D.so

become 变成 though 尽管 so that  以便  so 因此,所以 你必须现在离开以便你妈妈能得到更多的休息。答案为C。 

296.Lucy, (  ) all your things on the desk.

A. puts away  B.put away  C.takes away  D.take away

祈使句用动词原形,排除AC。put away 放好  take away 带走  桌上的东西并没有迹象表示是放得很乱,就不是要求放好,而是带走。答案为D。

297.(At the doctor‟s) It‟s nothing serious, doctor?     No, (  ).

A. you‟ll be all right soon  B.You won‟t be all right soon B. There‟s some trouble with you  D.It‟s very serious 病人问:没什么严重的问题吧。

医生:是的--那么肯定是没什么严重的问题,只有A符合题意,答案为A。对于否定问句的回答用no 表示赞同,yes表示否定。

298.We can‟t buy (  ) much mutton with (  ) little money. A. so,much  B.such,so  C.so,so  D.such,such


299.There is (  ) W in the word  woman ,and (  ) M is the third letter of the word. A. a;an  B.an;/  C.an;the  D.a;the


300.Need he come a little earlier?    Yes, he (  ).

A. can  B.must  C.need  D.needn‟t

need作为情态动词只能用在疑问句和否定句。对于肯定回答,用must。答案为B。否定回答:needn’t或had better not.

301. ---You‟ve dropped _____ “s‟‟ in the word “acros‟‟.

  ---Oh, ____ letter “s‟‟ should be doubled like this “across‟‟.   A. a , a      B. an ,a     C. an ,the     D. the ,the 

掉了一个s.泛指,用不定冠词,但是s的发音是/es/,所以用an。 这个s应该双写。表示特指,用the 答案为C。

302. ---May I ______ your dictionary for a while?   ---Sorry, I‟ve left it at home.

  A. borrow    B. lend      C. keep     D.take

这题很容易选成borrow。但是请注意后面有for a while. 答案中A,B,D为瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。答案为C。

303. Those_____ have caught SARS disease must be kept off from us.   A.who    B.which     C./     D.what


304.Roymade several kites ,but _____ of them can fly high in the sky.   A. neither  B.none  C. all    D.most

ROY做了几个风筝,但是没有一个能飞得高。答案为B。But是关键词 neither两者都不,none一个都没,all 三者以上都,most 大部分

305. A number of people inBeijing______ caught SARS and the number of the people who died of SARS _____ reached nearly one hundred so far.

A.has, has       B. have, have     C. have,has      D. has, have a number of 许多 相当于many 。作主语时谓语动词用复数。  the number of ...的数量  作主语时,谓语动词用单数 答案为C。

306.---Could you tell me how to improve spoken English ?

---Well,just take every chance to practise ______and don‟t be shy.   A. speak  B.to speak  C. speaking   D.spoke

你能告诉我怎样提高英语口语吗?---抓住每个机会练习说,不要害羞。答案为C。 practise 练习,后面接名词或动名词,不接不定式。

307. ---There‟s going to ______ a concert in the hall tonight.

  ---Yes, and the last performance will be given by Michael Jackson.  

A.have  B.give   C.play   D.be.

There is going to be....  There be句型的将来时结构   答案为D。 也可以是there will be .....

308. An earthquake _______ Dachaidan County in Qinghai province on the morning of April18.   A.happened    B.rocked     C.took place    D.appeared  “sth.+happened+地点/时间”意为:“某地/某时发生了某事” 地点前要加介词。常指预想不到或出乎意料的事件的发生。具有偶然性

take place 指实现计划好或预想到的事情的发生。具有必要性 appear  出现  与题意不符合

rock  使....摇晃  使...震动  答案为B.

309.The children ______ not to play with the fire .   A. are told   B. tell    C. are asking   D.warn 孩子们被告知不要玩火。答案为A。用被动语态。

310. ---Do you often get on-line?

---Yes.I ______ most of my time on it .It‟s a good way to kill the time. A.cost    B.spend    C.pay   D.take

cost 物作主语  花费   spend  人做主语  花费时间或金钱  pay  支付   take花费时间,一般用于it takes sb.some time to do sth.句型 答案为B。

311.---Will you please show me how to operate the new machine?   ---Sure. It‟s a piece of cake.Now let me tell you _____ to do first.    A.what   B.how   C.whether   D.when


312---My trousers are______ out.    ---I‟ll buy you a new pair.

  A.tried     B. worn    C.wearing     D.sold  裤子穿坏  be worn out  答案为B。

313.The rubbish ______we have collected can be recycled.

A.who   B.which    C. this   D.what

CD不能引导定语从句  who指人  ,答案为B。

314.---The artist has got _____ much work to do that he hardly has  time to help his wife with the housework.

  ---That‟s true.Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.

A.too     B.so     C.very    D.such

such 修饰名词,但是如果名词前有much,many,little,few修饰时,用so代替such.答案为B. 这题不能看成too..to结构。

315.---How long have you ____a cough?   ---Ever since last night.

A. got   B. had   C. caught   D. Taken

get,catch,take瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。答案为B. How long 多久

316. ________ Iraqi people were killed in the war which broke out on March 20.   A.Thousand      B. Thousands     C. Thousand of   D. Thousands of thousand 前要有数词修饰,或后面加s+of=thousands of  答案为D。

317. I went home and _____ my schoolbag and started to help Mother do the cooking.  

 A. put off  B. dropped off   C.turned off   D.shut off

put off 脱掉(衣服),推迟 turn off 关掉  shut off 比较常用于关闭液体(水、油)或气体(瓦斯、天然气)的阀门   drop off 放下  答案为B。

318.---He seems _____ ill. Shall we take him to the hospital right now?   ---I don‟t think it matters. Maybe he‟s caught a bit of a cold.    A.terrible   B.terribly   C.even  D.more   用副词来修饰形容词ill  答案为B.

319. ---Does the child need any help ?

  ----No.He is old enough to _____ himself. A.put on  B.wear   C. take care.  D. Dress dress oneself 给某人穿衣 答案为D。

320.---This is a really wonderful party with interesting people and great food . ---I‟m _____ to hear that you are enjoying yourself.  A.sorry   B. glad    C. afraid   D. Sure.

根据题意 答案为B。我很高兴听见你玩得很高兴。

321 ---What are you going to do tomorrow?

----I‟m not sure. I____ make a trip to Hanzhou with my girl friend.   A.may  B.maybe  C.will  D.must 不肯定的推测,用may 答案为A.

322.----The pen writes well though it doesn‟t cost much. ---- Let me have a try. So _____.

A.it is     B.it does   C.does it   D.is it

的确如此  用it代替 pen,write是行为动词,答句用does  答案为B。

323.The accident happened ______ a freezing winter morning.   A.on   B.in   C.at   D.since

答案为A。具体的某一天的早中晚 用介词on。

324.---____ the Internet _____ in your school?

  ---Yes , but the computer in our office has often broken down.   A.Is,used   B.Is,using   C.Does ,use  D.Has ,used


325. There was a phone call for you while you were out and it was _____in English. A. called        B. rung      C. phoned      D.made make a phone call是固定词组  打电话  答案为D。call up,phone up,ring up后常接人作宾语。

326. The essential needs should _______ to the prisoners of wars(战俘). A.offer     B.be offering      C.be offered    D.to be offered 

这里的need是名词,需要。 基本需求被提供给战俘,用被动语态。should后接动词原形。答案为C。

327.---I eat _____ vegetables and ______ meat than I did last year.   ----That‟s why you‟re getting fatter.

  A. fewer,more  B.more,less  C.less,more  D.many ,much


328.--- How many times have you _______ from your penfriend since last year?    A.heard     B.received    C.got    D.written 收到来信的固定搭配是hear from  答案为A。

  ----I‟m glad you like it.

   A.How a  B.What a   C.How   D.What

感叹句中what修饰名词  present礼物,可数名词  答案为B。

329. .—Do you know the city ofNingbowell ?

   —Of course I do. I‟ve         here for nearly 3 years. A.come B. got    C.arrived     D. Been

come 来,get to(副词here前省to)到达,arrive达到  是瞬间动词,不与段时间连用。答案为D。

330.---Sorry .I am late.

  ---It doesn‟t matter.The meeting has ______ for just several minutes    A. begun  B. started  C. been on  D.held

答案为C。be on可以在代替begin,start和一段时间连用。 如果用hold,则是been held 331.---- Is the hen old enough to ____ eggs?   ----Yes,it has _____ a lot.

   A.lay,laid   B.lie,lain   C.lie,laid   D.lay,lain

lay 生蛋  过去时,过去分词是laid  答案是A。请注意别和lie弄混。lie 躺,说谎,位于,过去时,过去分词分别是lay,lain 

332.---Can I take both of the presents?

----No,I‟m afraid not.You can take ______ of them.    A.both  B.each  C.either  D.any

both说明礼物是两份。No,是否定,说明不能拿2个,只能拿两者中一个。答案为C。 333.----Could you tell me _____? I must find him.

   ----Sorry .I have no idea.But he was here just now . A.where Tom was       B.where has Tom gone   C.where can I find Tom.  D.where Tom is


334.---It‟s necessary and important ______school teachers to teach their students how to get on well with others.

  ----Yes, you said it.

  A. of   B. for   C.from   D.to It‟s +adj.+for sb./of sb.to do sth.      这里是说明教学生知道怎么去和别人相处的重要性,而不是老师的特点或性质。答案B.

335.----I don‟t think your team can beat theirs.

  ----____.But we could if Lin Tao were on the team.

  A. No,we can‟t B.Yes ,we can‟t C. Yes,we can   D.No, we can


336. .China has made a great contribution _____ preventing SARS.  

A.for      B. to     C.with      D.in

make a great contribution to sth./doing sth. 是固定搭配 答案为B。做出很大的贡献 337.----I‟m too busy_______ to my family often.   ---Why not call them instead ?

   A.writing  B.to write  C.written  D.write too....to  太...而不能  答案为B。

338.----______ present you‟ve bought for me!

  ----I‟m glad you like it.

   A.How a  B.What a   C.How   D.What

感叹句中what修饰名词  present礼物,可数名词  答案为B。

339.---This is no-smoking zone.Can‟t you see the sign? ----Oh ,sorry. I ______ it.

 A.haven‟t seen  B.won‟t see   C.don‟t see  D.didn‟t see  过去没看见,用过去时,答案为D。

I haven't seen it.(我过去没看见 ,我现在也还没看见)

340.----Will you please let me have a look at the photos taken in the States ?   ---Sure .I‟ll _____ them to school tomorrow.    A.take   B.carry   C.get     D.bring  

bring带来 take 带走,carry 携带,运输,get 得到  答案为D。

341- --We will do what we can ____ourselves this term.   ---It‟s high time for you to work hard. 

  A.improve   B.to improve    C.be improved     D.be improving

这题可能会误选A,因为大家知道情态动词后接动词原形,但是请大家分析下句子的成分,这里的what we can 实际省略了do,这个what we can do 在句子中作宾语从句。正确答案是B,用动词不定式作目的状语。后面回答的it's time for sb.to do sth.....对某人来说是时候去做...这是固定用法。

342---What happened to Tom?

---He was crossing the street ____ a motorbike hit him from behind.  A.while   B.when   C.until   D.because

hit瞬间动词,不能用while。until  直到   because因为  CD与题意不符,答案为B. 343---Dad,what‟s the sea like?

  ---Well,it‟s large and full of water. It covers about _____ of the earth.   A.one third  B.three quarter  C.three-fourth   D.three quarters

我们知道海占了地球的大部分。A 是三分之一,与题目不符合。quarter是四分之一,在分子大于一时,分母序数词要用复数,答案为D

344. ---May I go out for an outing with you tomorrow?   ---If your mother______.

A. will let   B. will allow  C.let   D.agrees 条件从句用一般现在时答案为D。 345---Would you like ______ some fruit?

  ---No thanks. I don‟t feel like _____ anything now.

  A.to have,to eat  B.having, to eat  C. to have , eating D. having ,eating

would you like to do sth.委婉询问对方的意愿“是否想要做什么....”可以排除B.D .而feel like +名词/动名词,表示“觉得好像....” 答案为C。

346---There can be no life on the earth without water.   ---That‟s right.Water _____ everywhere.

A.needs  B.is needing  C.is needed  D.needed


347---Were you late ____the meeting?

  ---No,I arrived there ten minutes______ the meeting started. A.for, before B. at, before C. for ,till  D. at ,after

be late for 固定用法 “迟到” 为什么你开会迟到? ---不,我在开会前十分钟到的。答案为A。till 直到  after ...之后   before  ...之前。

348---Excuse me,______ I don‟t think you can smoke here.   ----Sorry I didn‟t know this is none-smoking zone. A. and   B.but   C.so   D.then

对不起,---我认为你不能在这里抽烟。B 表示转折。答案为B.

349---How many English words had you learned _____ the end of last term?   ----Aound 2000,but I‟ve forgotten most of them.    A.by   B.at    C.to   D.on

by the end of 到....为止   如果后面接将来时间,主句用将来时,如果后面是现在时间,主句用现在完成时,如果是过去时间,主句用过去完成时。at the end of “在...尽头”后面接时间时,一般用过去时或将来时。答案为A。

350.---Are you learning art now during your spare time? ----No. I‟ve stopped _____ Chinese medicine instead. A.to learn  B.learning   C.dropping   D.to give up

你现在在空闲时间学习艺术吗?---不,我已经停止了,在学中医。stop to do 和stop doing分别表示“停下来去做某事”和“停止做某事”答案为A。

351.----_____ is your new teacher?

----The one standing under the tree with a dictionary in his hand.    A.Who   B.What    C.Where   D.Which


352.---Do you like being a teacher? 

---- Sure.But my parents ____ me to be a doctor when I was a young girl..  A.hoped     B.want.   C. wished    D. Expect

wish sb. to do sth.希望某人去做某事。hope不能接sb.to do sth.  答案为C。

353. The result is so ______ that we can hardly believe it.   A.surprising  B.surprised  C.amazed   D.surprise

surprising 物或事作主语。surprised 人作主语,答案为A。

354.---He was ill and had two weeks ______. A.of  B.away  C.off  D.out

have +时间+off  固定用法  休息多少时间,请多长时间的假  答案为C。

355.---Did you _____ the first place of the league match? ---Of course we did. We _____ all the other teams.

A.beat, beat  B. beat ,won   C. win, won   D.win, beat. win“获胜”、“得到成功”,在作为及物动词时,它的宾语往往是奖品、地位、奖学金、名誉、财产、战争或运动等等   beat也有“赢”、“取胜”、“战胜”之意。但跟win的用法不同,这个动词后面跟的是比赛、竞争中的对手或战争中的敌人。 答案为D。

356.---Sorry _____ being late.

 ---It doesn‟t matter. In fact, you ‟re just on time______ it  A.for, for   B.of, for   C.for, with   D.of, with Be sorry for sth.   为某事感到抱歉

Be on time for sth.对某事很准时   答案为A。

357.---What he enjoys _____ great and interesting.   ---Yes,but it‟s dangerous.

  A.sounds  B. sounding t   C.sounded  D.to sound 

What he enjoys在句中作主语 ,谓语动词用单数。答案为A。

358.---You look _______. What has happened to you?

  --- Everyone expected us to win the match, but we lost to the girls.  A.  sad  B.sadly     C .happy    D .angrily look后接形容词作表语。根据句意,答案为A。

359.---- Did you finish _____ the book?

  ---- Yes ,I did. Thanks ____ your dictionary, I had a better understanding of it.   A.reading,for   B.reading,to  C.to read, for  D.to read ,to  finish doing sth.完成做某事  thanks to  “由于”、“幸亏”,to表示感谢的对象   thanks for 意为“因„„而感谢”,for强调为何而感谢,其后可接名词或v-ing。 答案为B。

360.----How ____ is it from hereNingboto Xi‟an?   ----It‟s about two ____ flight.

  A.long, hour‟s  B.far,hour‟s  C.long, hours‟  D.far, hours‟

对距离提问,用how far. 2个小时的飞行距离   two hours’ flight  答案为D

A .to  B .for    C. with D. Than

带糖的茶  tea with sugar. 答案为C。

361.---Why did you come back so late today ?

  ----Because it      heavily when the meeting was over. We had to wait until it came to a stop. A  was raining  B .is raining C.rained D.rains


362.----Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week ?   ----Sure. But what subject should I?     A.talk  B.talk about   C. talk with    D.talk to 

谈论 用talk about,答案为B。talk with/talk to 和某人谈话

363.---What did the headmaster ______ at the meeting?  

---Sorry.I left the meeting before he _______.

A .say,said  B say,spoke.  C speak,said.  D.speak,spoke

speak直接接宾语时,一般为语言。排除C.D。say指说话的内容  speak 强调说话的动作,一般在正式场合如会议上发言用speak.  答案为B。

364.---What about going to the concert?

  ---Good idea.Let‟s ask Tom_____together with us. A. go B .going    C. to go D. Goes

ask sb.to do sth.让某人做某事   答案为C。

365.----Do you have any fun ______ together with the small children?   ----Yes. I‟ve experienced nothing other than pleasure. A  to be B. be C. being   D. Are

have fun doing sth.做某事很开心。答案为C。

366.---There‟s hardly anything but some old books in the room,_____? A  isn‟t it B.is it C is there   D isn‟t there

There be 句型的反意疑问句,后面问句的主谓和前面一致,排除AB.句中有否定词hardly几乎不,后面问句用肯定。前否后肯,答案为C。

367.----Would you like some tea, please ?    ----Yes, I prefer tea  _____ sugar.

A .to   B .for    C. with   D. Than

带糖的茶  tea with sugar. 答案为C。

368.----Would you please_____  make the child _____ any more ? 

 ---Sorry,but I didn‟t mean to.I just wanted him not to play with the fire.

A  don‟t, cry   B  not, to cry    C.don‟t, to cry    D.not, cry 

Would you please do sth.否定句为would you please not do sth. make sb.do sth.使某人做某事 ,do前省to.  答案为D。

369.----What _____ useful book !

   ---Yes, it is. But I find it _____ difficult for me to read.

 A.an, very B.a, too C. an, too   D. a, quite

useful是辅音发音,前用a.     too...to 太...而不能   答案为B。

370.---Maths isn‟t as_____ as Chinese.

   ---I agree with you. I think Chinese is_____ than any other subject.

A  easy, easier B easier, easier C  easy,harder  D hard, easier as...as  

同级比较,中间用原形   后面的是两类(中文和其他科目)作比较,用比较级  根据句意,数学没有中文容易。我同意你的看法,我认为中文比其他科目都简单。答案为A。  

371.---Mum, will you take me to the park tomorrow?   ---If it _____ rainy.

A. won‟t  B.doesn‟t C .isn‟t    D. won‟t be

在条件从句中,用一般现在时代替将来时。排除A.D。rainy 下雨的. 谓语动词用BE的正确形式。答案为C。

372.----Zhang Guorong, a HK pop singer, jumped from the top of a building and killed himself.   ----What a pity! That‟s because he had______ living in the world.

A .been fed up with  B.been pleased with  C.nothing to do with D.been used to

fed up with 受够了;极厌恶;对厌倦  be pleased with 对...满意  have nothing to do with 与......无关,be used to doing sth.习惯做某事  根据句意,答案为A。

373.---Why don‟t you go to the lecture-room and listen to the talk?   

---I hear there isn‟t _____ in it.

A .something new B.new anything C. anything new D. nothing new

形容词修饰复合不定代词,放不定代词后面  否定句用anything.答案为C。

374.----I did badly in the long jump.   ----_____ .

A .Congratulations  B .That‟s great  C. Well done D. Bad luck

ABC都有好的意思 我在跳远项目上做得不好  答案为D。

375. Miss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and  students to listen to him. A.other B.the others C.others D.the other

BC后面不接名词。Tom 和其他同学 ,表示特指,答案为D。

376.---Do you know the result of the  race?

  ---Yes. The winner is a boy_____ Lin Feng from Class 4.

A.100-metres, called B.100-metre, calling C.100-metre, called D.100-metres, named

数词+名词+形容词  作定语,中间用连词符号,且中间的名词用单数。这里我们可以看作100-metre-long 省略了long。小孩被叫Lin Feng用被动的形式。答案为C。

377. The weather here is quite different  that of my hometown.

A .from B  with C  than D  as

be different from  与....不同 答案为A。

378. ---Why not _____ him with his lessons?

   ---I‟ve tried to, but he said he didn‟t need any.   

A. help   B. to help    C. helping    D. Helped

Why not+动词原形+....? 为什么不做.....?  答案为A。=Why don’t you +动词原形+......? 379.----Don‟t play the dangerous game any more.   ----Sorry! I _____  do it again.

A .can‟t B.don‟t C.won‟t     D. mustn‟t


380.---English is_____ difficult subject. I even want to drop it.

---You‟d better not. I‟ll help you_____ it.

A.quite a, with B. a quite, with C. a very, for D.very a, with

quite 一般放在冠词前面  help sb.with sth.在某事上帮助某人   help sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事  答案为A

381.--- My car has broken down. Would you please send someone to ______? 

 ---Ok, my driver will soon be with you.

  A.put me up   B.pick me up   C.drop me off   D.turn me up

动词+副词 构成的动词短语  后面的代词要放动词和副词中间。  接某人 用pick up 答案为B。

382.---I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible ?

   ---Yes. A car _____ and all the people in it were badly hurt. But luckily,none of them was killed.

A .fell over B .fell behind C.fell off D. fell down to

fall over强调的是“向前摔倒、跌倒”并有“翻过来”的意思。fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”, fall off强调的是“跌落、从„„掉下来”  答案为A。

383.There are many teenagers ______ in the lake . A.swimming . B.swim.  C .swam. D.to swim. 有些青少年正在湖里游泳。答案为A

There be+主语+现在分词  表示主动,并表示动作正在进行

384.---Do you think there are too many new words in this unit ? ---Yes, that‟s right. I‟ll        first.

A. look it up B. look up them   C. look them up D. look for them  

动词+副词 后面为代词时,代词放动词和副词中间。前面的是words,后面用them代替。答案为C。

385.---Something is wrong with the car. ---Don‟t worry.I‟ll have it _______ soon.

A.fixed B.mending     C .to repair     D. to fix

have 后面接过去分词作宾语补足语,过去分词所表示的动作由他人完成。 后面接不带to的不定式作宾补,表示让某人做某事 接现在分词作宾补,表示让.......一直做某事 答案为A。

386.—Excuse me, where‟s the West Hill Farm, please ?

   —Go        the forest and        the foot of the mountain you will find it . A.through, at  B.across, at C.through, under D. past, under 穿过深林,用through,如果是从物体表面通过,用across.山脚下用at the foot of the mountain 答案为A。

387._____noisy children ! Go and ask them to keep quiet. A.How B.What   C.What a D.How a

children 是复数形式,C.D可排除,此句的中心词是名词,用what修饰,答案为B。

388.I’d like to go abroad for further study, but I _____afford it.

A .don‟t   B.wasn‟t able to   C.can‟t   D. am not


389.Mr Green        living inChinathough he was born inLondon.

A.would like B.wants    C.hates D.enjoys

尽管Mr Green出生在伦敦,但是他喜欢居住在中国。答案为D。 would like sth. 想要什么        would like to do sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.  想做某事       enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

390.—Here is a piece of paper for you !

  —Oh, thanks. It‟s        for me to write a long letter on.

A.big enough  B.enough big C. small enough D.enough small

enough 足够的,修饰形容词时放在形容词后面。根据题意,答案为A。足够大才能写。 391.---Shall we leave for home now?

 ---No, I  ______ here until Tom comes back.

A .won‟t wait   B.will leave   C.will wait    D. won‟t stay

C为  我将等,直到TOM回来。A 为not...until 直到....才,直到Tom回来,我才等.与题意不符。B为我将离开,直到Tom回来。D为直到Tom回来,我才留下。 答案为C。

392.---Excuse me,but do you know the way to the hospital,please?  

---Sorry, I don‟t know, _____.

A.too    B .neither   C .either   D .also

either 用于否定句,表示“也”  答案为C。

393.—You‟d better     work too hard like this.

—I see. You mean working too hard makes one tired and ill.

A.not B.don't C .not to     D.won‟t

had better+动词原形  否定形式为 had better not+动词原形  答案为A。

394.—Football        by the British at the beginning of last century.

—That‟s probably why football is one of the most popular games in England. A.was invented B. invented    C.was inventing D.invents


395---I tried to make Kate ______ her mind, but I found it hard . ----Well,I saw you_______ that when I went past.

A.change, do  B. change , doing C.to change, do D. changes,doing



类似的词有:feel,listen to ,hear,have,let,make,see,notice,observe,watch.look at. 


396.—Must we move to the next room ?

  —No, you ______ . You may still live here if you like. A.mustn‟t  B.don‟t   C.don‟t have to D.won‟t

对于must引导的一般疑问句的否定回答用don’t have to 或needn’t.答案为C。

397.I find ______   interesting to play games with children.

 A.that  B.how     C.what    D.it

It 作形式宾语。答案为D。find it +形容词+to do sth.

398. ______  are useful animals.

A.Cow   B.Pig     C.Panda    D. Sheep

are 说明主语用复数,里面只有sheep单复数同形。其他都是单数形式。答案为D。

399.Be careful when        the street.

A.to cross B.cross C.you cross    D.you‟ll cross


400.Take your time,       you‟ll make another mistake.

A .then    B.and      C. if    D. or

祈使句+and  如果....就 祈使句+or  ....否则 ,根据题目意思别着急,否则你还会犯错误。表示了转折  答案为D。

401.This place is really well worth ______ a second time.  

A.to visit    B.visits      C.visiting    D.visited be worth+n. 表示“....值得....”

be worth doing sth. 表示“某事值得被做” be worthy to be done 表示“某事值得被做 be worthy of being done  表示“某事值得被做 答案为C。

402----I‟m ______ in what _____ you.

   ----Well,don‟t follow suit. Just do what you like.

A.interesting,interests  B.interested ,interests  C.interest,interests    D.interest,interesting

interest: n. 兴趣;好奇心   v.使发生兴趣 主语多为物或事 interested: adj. (对某人或某事)感兴趣的   人作主语 interesting: adj. 有趣的;引起兴趣的 物作主语 答案为B。

403. ---I think he lives _____No.386 West St.  ---Are you sure _____ that?

A. at ,/   B. in ,of   C. in ,about  D. at ,of

live at 具体的地点 (小) be sure of 确信  但为D。

404.Saddam and his followers ______ fromBaghdadbefore the air raids took place. A.had escaped  B.has escaped   C.was escaping   D.escape

萨达姆和他的追随者逃跑,发生在空袭之前 用过去完成时。答案为A。

405. ---Have you finished your work yet?

  ---No,not yet. I think it‟ll take _____ ten minutes   A.another  B.other   C.others   D.more another ten minutes=ten more minutes 答案为A。

406.If you want to prevent yourself from catching diseases, you must keep your living environment _______.

A.clean    B.to clean    C.cleaning    D.dirty

keep+sb./sth.+adj.(作宾语补足语) 使某人/某物保持某种状态 keep sb.doing sth.让某人继续做某事 答案为A。clean  干净的

407. ---How long have you been away from your hometown?   ---______two years ago.

  A.Since    B.For    C.In   D.From

since+时间段+ago  since +过去时间点  这两种都可用于完成时中。答案为A。 for+时间段

408.George W.Bush encourages theUSsoldiers to fight _______ their own country. A.with   B.against    C.for   D.about

fight with 和....打架   fight against  为反对....而作战  fight for 为了...而战斗(国家,自由,权利)  答案为C.

409.The earthquake victims _______ in the hospitals.

  A. are well treated B. are taken good care C. treated D. are well treating 本题考被动语态   答案为A。

410.---Tom won the first prize in the competition. 

   ---He ______ it because he is the most hard-working student.   A.needs   B.deserves   C.is sure of  D.should get  Tom 在竞赛中得了第一名。


need 需要,deserve 为此付出了努力 得到是应该的  be sure of 确信 should get 应该得到 答案为B。

411.Most of the deserts ______ to be covered with bushes and trees.   A.used    B.were used   C.use    D.got used

used to be 过去曾经是  沙漠大部分过去是被灌木和树覆盖的。  答案是A。

412.The hospital is doing its best to____the patients with the best treatment and services.   A.offer     B.give     C.provide      D.serve provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物

医院尽可能为病人们提供最佳的治疗和服务 答案为C。

413.Many SARS patients _______ and are allowed to leave the hospitals.   A.have been healed   B.have healed    C.are healed    D.healed

考现在完成时的被动语态  答案为A。很多SARS被治愈,被允许离开医院。

414. Listen,can you hear someone ______ for help?   

A.to cry    B.cry    C.crying     D.cries

hear sb.doing sth.听见某人正在做某事  hear sb.do sth.听见某人经常做某事 答案为C。

415.The beautiful scenery ______ tourists toGuilinfrom the world over.  

A. attracts    B. attacks    C. causes     D. Catches

attract  吸引  attack 攻击   cause  引起  导致 cause往往跟灾难事故联系在一起 catch  赶上  引起,抓住 答案为A。

416.The PRC was ______ on October 1st 1949.  

A.found    B.find    C.founding   D.founded found 成立  find 找到  被动语态  答案为D。

417. ____the help of the computer, information can ____every corner of the world quickly.   A.With, arrive  B. With, reach   C.Under, arrive   D. Under,reach 借助电脑,信息可以迅速地到达世界的每一个角落 reach是及物动词   答案为B.

418.My mother ______ a second-hand camera for me.  

A.gave    B.showed     C.passed     D.bought


419.--- How _____ do you think the war will come to a stop?    ---I‟m not sure, maybe in another month‟s time.   A. long   B. soon   C. often    D. Far

How long 对时间的长短提问  how soon 多久以后,常用在将来时中,答语常用in+时间段 How often 对频率提问 多久一次  how far 多远,对距离提问 答案为B。

420. The boy put his money in his inside pocket,_______he?   A. doesn‟t  B. didn‟t  C.won‟t    D.isn‟t

这个男孩把他的钱放进他内口袋了,是不是?  说明是过去的事,用过去时。答案为B。 put 的过去时put

421.He used the money he first made _____ a used bike for himself.   A.buying   B.buy   C. to buy  D.bought

动词不定式作目的状语  他用第一次挣的钱为自己买了辆旧自行车。  答案为C。 422.Here‟s a shirt of Size 70. Would you please try_____?   A.on it   B.try out it   C.try it on   D.try it out

try on 试穿  try out 尝试  it 放在动词和副词中间 答案为C。

423.This pair of socks is worn out.I‟ll have to buy a new ______.   A.one   B.ones   C.pair   D.pairs 一双新的  答案为C。

424.---_____is your father?

   ---A doctor in a local hospital..

  A.Who    B.Where   C.How    D.What 对职业提问,用what  答案为D。

425.The Smiths live in ______ building. They use a lift to go up and down.   A.a 8-story  B.a 8-stories  C.an 8-stories    D.an 8-story

一个八层的建筑  an 8-story building  答案为D.  数词和名词用连词符号连接,名词不加复


426.No matter _____ you do, you must do it as well as possible.   A.what    B.how    C.when   D.where

no matter how不管如何,no matter what无论什么事

no matter when 无论什么时候  no matter where 无论哪里 答案为A。无论你做什么,你必须尽量做好。

427.We like him not only because he teaches us _____but aslo he treats us ______.   A.good,friendly  B.good,kindly  C.well,friendly   D.well,kindly teach,treat 动词,用副词修饰  答案为D。

428.My father prefers to stay at home rather than ______ on May Day.   A.travel    B.to travel    C. travelling    D.travels  prefer to .A..rather than..B.  宁愿做A而不是B



429. ---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.   ---It _____ for nearly a week.

had rained  B. has rained  C. would  rain    D. was raining 

came to a stop“停止”the night before"前一个晚上"for+一段时间用于完成时,而came 表明是过去时,所以后面用过去完成时。答案为A。

430.The moonlight shone ______ the window and fell on my bed.   A.from   B.on    C.through    D.across


431.--- Could you please tell me the way to the station?

  ---Sorry,I‟m a stranger too.You ______ ask the policeman over there.   A.must      B.may     C.need      D.should

must 必须 may 可以 need 需要(当情态动词时,不用于肯定句) should 应该(表示建议)答案为D.

432.You‟ve made ______ mistakes this time than ever before.   A.few   B.litlle   C.fewer    D.less

than,进行比较,用比较级  排除AB.mistake 可数名词  用few修饰 答案为C。

433.Travelling by air is ______ more expensive than by train even though the air tickets are on discount( 打折).

  A.very    B.a lot of   C.many    D.far

far more表示..贵得多   ABC都不能修饰比较级  答案为D。 尽管机票打折,但是同火车比起来,坐飞机还是要贵得多

434.Though the price of the camera is OK, ______ I don‟t think I‟ll take it.   A.but    B.and     C.yet     D.so

yet是个连词表示转折,相当于but    前面有though就不用but  答案C。

435.The city is trying to ______ the living environment of the people.   A.improve     B.rise     C.lift     D. Increase improve 改善,改进    rise 上升、(使)起飞   lift 举起    increase 增加 市政府努力改进人们的生活环境   答案为A。

436.---What was the score of the match? Did you beat them?

---________. We lost to the girls.

  A.Sorry, I don‟t know  B.I don‟t want to talk about it  C.It‟s a secret   D.Don‟t ask me

答语是我们输给了那些女生。  ACD与题意不符合。答案为B。

437.--______ is the population of the town?

  ---Over 20,000 .And a third of the population ____  workers of the car factory. A. What, are   B. How many , are  C. What , is D. How many, is

对人口提问用how large 或what . The population of ....作主语时谓语动词用单数。当主语表示人口的百分之几,几分之几时,谓语动用复数形式。答案为A。

438---Alice,why didn‟t you come here yesterday?

  ---I ____ , but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him to the hospital.        A.had    B.did    C.was going to   D.didn‟t

我本来打算去,但是我儿子病了,我不得不带他去医院   答案为C。

439.---Could I speak to Tom, please?

   ---Sorry, he isn‟t here at the moment. He _______Hangzhou on business .   A.went to   B.has gone to   C.goes to   D.has been to 他不在,说明去了杭州还没回。答案为B。 440.---Good luck to you _____ your trip!    ---Thank you _____ your kind words.

  A.to, for    B.with, to    C. with, for    D. to, for

good luck to sb with sth ,to后面接人,with后面接事情, thank sb for sth 是表示为某事而感谢某人, 答案为C。

441.---So many kinds of shirts! I really don‟t know _____.

A. what to buy  B.which to buy  C.to buy which  D. to choose which 有选择范围,用which  不定式放疑问词后 答案为B。

442.By the time I got to the check-out, I realized that I had _____ my purse at my office.  A.forgotten    B.left     C.laid     D.put 

forget 忘记 后面不接地点  leave 忘记  后面接地点  答案为B。

443.Don‟t shout in public, my boy, please,______?

 A.won‟t you    B.don‟t you    C.do you   D.will you

否定的祈使句 构成的反意疑问句  ,后面附加问句用will you.答案为D。

444.---My computer doesn‟t work at all.

  ---Don‟t worry.I think I can put it ______for you.  A.well   B.right    C.good    D.up

 A和C都是“好”的意思,但这个好是与一般相对的,D是“上”的意思,B是“ 正确”“恢复正常”的意思    我电脑坏了---不要担心,我认为我可以帮你修好。 答案为B。

445.I turned back only to find myself ______ by a group of beggars.  A.follow    B.following    C.to follow   D.followed

过去分词作宾语补足语  宾语和过去分词之间有被动关系  答案为D。 我刚一转身,发现我被一群乞丐跟着。

446.As soon as the _____news came into our ears,we all cheered and became ______. A. exciting , exciting  B.excited, .excited  C. exciting, excited D. excited, exciting

exciting 令人兴奋的  修饰物 excited  兴奋的 修饰人  答案为C。

447.The American soldiers are _______the country over for Saddam and his followers. A. searching  B. looking  C. searching in  D. Finding

search  +地点+for sb. 在什么地方搜寻某人  答案为A。

448.Nobody told us _____ to go there.

 A.if    B.whether    C.why    D.where

没有人告诉我们是否去那里。后面是不定式,不用if ,用whether。答案为B。 why 后面接省to的不定式   where与there重复

449.It doesn’t ______ whether the cat is white or black, as long as (只要) it catches the mouse.  A.work   B.mind    C.matter     D.mean 不管白猫还是黑猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫。 It doesn’t matter  不管   答案为C。

450.---You _____ be very tired after the long flight.

   ---Yeah, though I am tired, I feel excited and happy.    A. must   B. probably   C. can‟t    D.can 肯定推测  答案为A。


451.The price of the jacket is not too_____ and its colour is OK.I‟ll take it.   A.cheap    B.low   C. expensive    D.high 夹克的价格不是太高并且颜色不错,我要了。


如果句子中没有使用price,直接说jacket,才可以使用cheap 或者 expensive 答案为D。

452.All except Tom have passed the exam because he _____ lots of classes.   A.left    B.forgot    C.missed    D.lost

left 留下,forgot 留下,忘记  missed 错过  lost 丢失 答案为C。

453.---Does Tom write more______ than Larry?   ---Yes.He is a ______ writer than Larry.

neatly, neater  B.neatly, more neatly  C.neat,neater  D.neat, more neatly

第一个neatly修饰write,是副词;第二个neat修饰writer,是形容词 答案为A。

454.Tom ______to many places of interest since he moved toChinawith his family. A.traveled  B.travels  C.has traveled  D.will travel

since+一般过去时态的句子 主句用现在完成时   答案为C。

455.We ______ allowed to leave school until the summer holidays start.  

A. aren‟t   B. will be    C. wouldn‟t be   D. won‟t be


456.Why did you buy the jacket ____ you didn‟t like it?  

A.since  B.that  C.which    D./



457.I _____ inShanghaisince I was a child.

  A.used to live  B.lived    C.have lived    D.live

时间状语从句由since引导的,指的是过去的某个时间点以来,主句用现在完成时 答案为C。

458.There are _____more people in Class 2 than in Class 1.   A.many  B.a lot of   C.a little   D.much

much more后跟形容词或副词时,more是比较级,much是程度副词,表示 更加

many more加可数名词复数,much more加不可数名词,more用在数词或any,some,no,a few,many,much后面表示另外的,附加的,更多的... 答案为A。

459.---Is that man an ______?

  ---Do you mean the one who‟s wearing a different T-shirt?   A. American   B. English    C.Australia    D.India

English表示英国人时,前面不加冠词 ,Australian 澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人, Indian 印度人 答案为A。

460.---When did Tom leave forBritain?    ---He‟s _____ for two weeks.

  A.left    B.gone    C.been away   D.leaving

Tom什么时候去英国?  他已经离开2个星期了。用现在完成时。答案为C. leave,go,是瞬间动词,不与时间段状语连用。

461.I‟ve ______ the house since I moved here.  

A.lived    B.bought    C.sold    D.had

live 居住,后面接介词in /on /at   buy,sell不与时间段状语连用,答案为D。

462.---Do you mind my asking you a personal question?   --_____, any questions are welcome.

  A.Never     B.Sure     C.Of course    D.Yes 对于do you mind....的回答,如果表示不介意,常说:No,I don’t mind./Certainly not/Of course not. 


463.What interesting ______! The wrong answer is:   A.deer    B.sheep   C.news    D.animal

请注意,是选错误的,what后面没有冠词,那么修饰的名词应该是复数或不可数名词。 答案为D。

464.I looked out and found the ground ______ with white snow.   A.covered     B.covering     C.to cover     D.is covered 过去分词表被动,答案为A。

465.I _____ I would win the first prize of the competition.   A.wish    B.hope    C.think     D.believe I would  虚拟语气,用wish.答案为A.

466.--Would you please pass the message on to Tom?    ---________.

  A.I’d like  B. I’ll be glad to  C.That would be fine  D.It’s a pleasure

表示同意请求的回答:Yes,I’d like to/I ‘d love to/I ‘ll be glad to/I should,I like to/With pleasure.


467.About 20 firemen were killed in the fire which broke______inYueyang,HunanProvince last week.

  A.down    B.into    C.out     D.in

break down失败; 损坏 ,破裂  break into 闯入  break out 突然发生,爆发 break in 闯入,打断  答案为C。

468.The mountain fire wasn‟t ______ until the next day.  

A.put off    B.put up    C.put out    D.put down

put out 扑灭 put off 推迟 put up 建造,举起 put down 制止  答案为C。

469.The man is very ill.A doctor must be ______right now.  

A.sent for    B.sent up     C.sent to    D.sent out

send for 召唤,派人去叫,派人去请   这个人病得很厉害,必须马上去请医生。答案为A。 send up 使...上升,弄上去  send to 寄给    send out 发出

470.My memory is not good enough. Could I have a piece of paper to _____ your e-mail address on?

  A.put away   B.put into   C.put down    D.put up

put down 在此等于write down,写下,记下  答案为C。

put away 放好,把......收起   put into 放进,投入   put up 举起,建造 ,张贴

471.His parents died when he was very young, so he was ______ by his uncle.   A.brought up   B.grown up   C.got up   D.risen

bring up 养育 grow up 成长( 自己成长) get up 起床 rise 上升  答案为A。

472.I‟ll never ______what I‟m doing, even though many people think it impossible for me to make it.

  A.give in   B.give to   C.give out    D.give up

give in 投降,让步  give to 给....  give out分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭   give up 放弃  答案为D。

473.More and more people have lost their jobs and become ______.   A.rich   B.strong    C.fragile    D.lazy fragile 易碎的,脆的;虚弱的  答案为C.  

474.The moon _____ the earth and it is our satellite.   A.circles   B.moves    C.turns    D.goes

circle  环绕  答案为A。或move around/go around

475.This room is used ______ a reading room.   A.as    B.for    C.by    D.in

as 做“象...一样”时,后面接从句.。做“作为....”时,后面接短语。 答案为A。


476.Edisonis said to_____the first telephone.   A.find   B.discover   C.invent    D.found

find,discover “发现,找到” invent“发明” 答案为C。

477.--Are you getting on well with Tom?

---Not very well, but we used to be friends. The more I know him,_____ I like him. A. the more  B. the less   C. the little   D .the least

你和TOM相处得怎样?----不是很好,但是我们过去曾是朋友,我越了解他,我就越不喜欢他。答案为B。“The+比较级,the +比较级”表示“越....就越.....”

478.Bob, _____ sure to come to the meeting early tomorrow!

   A.is   B.make    C.be     D.makes

make sure表示设法确保,务必的意思 表示再去确认一下   be sure通常用来表示确信,肯定 表示已经确认了 答案为B。

479.I told the truth to my parents _______ they wouldn‟t worry about me any more.    A.and   B.or    C.so that    D.that

so that引导的目的状语从句。我把真相告诉我的父母,以便他们不要再担心我。答案C。

480.The population ofChinais lager than _____ ofIndia.   

A.that     B.this     C.the one    D.it

指代前面提到的同类事物用that 避免重复 答案为A。

481.The girl ______ red plays the piano well. She is often invited to give performances by TV and radio stations.

 A.on     B.with     C.in    D.wearing  穿什么颜色的衣服,用介词in  答案为C。

482.My friend was riding too fast and ______ the wall. Luckily he was not badly hurt.  A. knocked at     B.put into    C.crashed    D. knocked into

knock at 敲门 put into 放进,投入  crash 撞毁  knock into撞上 撞到,遇见答案为D。 483.He died and was buried(葬) in the mountain village _____ he was born.  A.that     B.which     C.where     D./


484.The book _____by the young writer sells well. It is popular among middle school students.  A.was written    B.writing    C.wrote    D.written 过去分词表被动  答案为D。

485.______ great fun to walk in the rain it will be!  A.What    B.How     C.What a     D.How a  fun不可数名词,用what  答案为A。

486.You‟ll deserve to fail again _______you try your best.  A.if      B.because      C.after      D.unless


487. China's first spaceman, Yang Liwei, with Shenzhou V ______successfully to earth on Thursday morning after more than 21 hours‟ travel along the earth's orbit.  A. returned back    B.arrived     C.reached    D.returned

arrive后接at/in  reach是及物动词 直接接宾语   return 返回,不接back 答案为D。 488. --- Will he be able to come back tomorrow?

---- I‟m afraid not. He told me that he ____ come back until his holiday ended.  A. won‟t     B. wouldn‟t    C. didn‟t      D. Would

not.....until直到....才   told是过去时,宾语从句也要用过去时。从过去某个时间看将要发生的动作用过去将来时  (过去将来时多用于宾语从句中)答案为B。

489--The boy was _____ frightened to see the animals _______ he couldn‟t move. -- In fact, they don‟t attack people unless they are cornered. A. too, to   B. so, that      C. very, that       D. such ,that

看见这些动物,这个男孩如此害怕以至于不能移动。答案为B。不能用too...to(to后面不能接从句 )such修饰名词

490.--How often do you phone your family?   ---________.

 A.sometime    B.sometimes     C.some time     D.some times How often对频率提问,答案为B。

sometime  某个时候  sometimes有时  some time 一段时间  some times 几次 491.How happy we are ______ each other here away from home!  A.seeing    B.to see    C.seen    D.meeting

离开了家,我们是多么开心的看见彼此。be happy/sad/sorry/afraid 后接不定式 答案为B。  492.Paul doesn‟t have to be made ______.He always works hard.  A.to learn    B.learn     C.learning    D.learns

make sb do sth. 但用在被动语态中则应该说be made to do sth. 答案为A。

493.He is so fat that the chair is not large enough for him to_____.  A.sit     B.sit on    C.sit down     D.take a seat   因为是坐在凳子上,指的是表面,所以要用on

494.It takes my daughter about an hour to practice playing _____piano after ____ supper every day.

 A.the,the   B.the,/    C./,/   D./,the

乐器前加the,一日三餐前不加冠词  答案为B。

495.His wife died and ______ him nothing but two sons.  A.offered      B.gave     C.sent     D.left

offer 提供  give 给  send 送  leave 留下  答案为D。

496.Look______!There‟s a train coming.  A.at     B.out     C.around     D.over

Look at 看  look out 小心 look around 四下观望  look over 仔细检查 答案为B   497.Tom hasn‟t phoned us for a long time. What do you suppose _____ to him?  A.was happening    B.to happen    C.has happened    D.happened

do you suppose是插入语  他发生了什么以至于我们那么久没听到她的消息? 强调他发生的事对现在产生了影响    答案为C。

498.--Do you know Jim quarreled with his wife?   --I don‟t know.  _____.

 A.nor I don‟t care B. Nor do I care    C. I don‟t care too    D.nor I do care 我不知道,我也不关心  nor开头,句子倒装  答案为B。

499.Congratulations _____ you _____winning the competition!  A.to,on   B.for,for   C.for,on    D.to,in

因为某事向某人祝贺用:congratulations to sb on sth.   答案为A

500.My boys!You are too shy. You should have more confidence in ______.  A. you    B. yourselves    C. yourself    D.themselves 对自己有信心  have confidence in oneself
